10|| lunch break

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It was almost the end of the school year which mean that Sullivan would be soon leaving for college, Bash would continue the Walker's legacy, Jupiter had to still figure out his friendship with Riley, and Max debate what classes he would be choosing for his sophomore year.

Sullivan and Jupiter struggled to be civilized but they still tried. They were still waking on eggshells with each other trying not to set off a ticking bomb that would set one another off.

Sullivan and Cath never shared a kiss, guilty he had told her that if they ended up together it would be hard to keep something such as love alive, he was scared she would get hurt. So they remained friends, Cath published her story for the local newspaper. The name she has given them, Naive Boys to Brotherhood. She had explained that each one of them thought they had it all figured out, but showed them how young and naive they still were to the world. She had taught Sullivan many things. Cath admired their family. She has experienced a lot with them, things she would take with her forever, memories.

Cath was slowly falling in love with another boy who wasn't a Walker and Sullivan was okay with that, she deserved more that what he could give her. He had seen her holding hands with a guy last week, so they greeted each other with only silent smiles. He had missed the way her eyes stared at his. Soon he found her qualities basic, normal, ordinary, so he focused on college. He would miss this life but was excited to start something new.

As for Bash, he and Macbeth had been on and off. He deep down knew he would continue hurting her. And he deep down knew their long term friendship would never change back to how things were, uncomplicated. He had decided that senior year he would officially break up with her. He tried his best not to hurt his best friend and companion but every time he tried, she ended up in tears and him apologizing for his mistakes. Bash knew that Macbeth would always forgive him every time he fucked up, so it was time to end their toxic relationship.

Max and Dale were still together, for almost three months now. Here and there a bumpy road but both would always get back on track. It was shocking news when Dale confessed she was going to transfer to an all girls school next year. It broke Max, but they still had promises to keep, so they kept each other.

And finally, out of them all Jupiter who kept  falling more for the girl who rejected him. Riley. He started feeling guilt for looking at her as a way to get Cath jealous, but he had forgotten of Cath a long time ago. They both might have beautiful jet black hair, but Riley  had mesmerizing royal green eyes that Jupiter loved. Riley was insecure about Jupiter, because she never have had a boyfriend. But when she finally gave in, Jupiter had regretted dating any other girl who hadn't been Riley, he regretted having slept with numerous girls that weren't her. They had a previous conversation about Riley confessing about being a virgin and had no issue giving it to Jupiter but he felt he couldn't take that away from her. So he proposed to be together until marriage. Riley was unsure but accepted. She slowly began to learn how to love the boy who smirked a lot, slept a lot, was cocky and confident. She loved how he got nervous and fumbled a hand through his hair, making it all messy.

The Walker boys had an amazing and emotional year. They were all loved by everyone and praised by everyone.

It was Sullivan who recruited a lunch meeting, he was always the first one to arrive at the lunch table, shortly after Jupiter had arrived. They haven't spoken until today when Jupiter greeted his big brother with a simple, hey. Followed by a slight head nod, Sullivan was touched by this, being finally hopeful that things would change back to how they were.

It wasn't a conversation but it was a start. Then Max and Bash came along, Max had dark bags under his eyes in result of the many sleepless nights of studying the upcoming finals had cause their little brother. But they were all used to it by now.

"So what was the meeting called for?" Bash asked, he was also tired so he rested his head on on the table, he reached for a cheese fry from Max's lunch tray and shoved it in his mouth before Max could do anything. He chuckled when he tried to reach for Bash's fries but failed miserably almost falling off his chair.

Sullivan looked around the cafeteria, he knew this was the place where they cheered loud for the Walker brothers, this exact table was where he met Cath.

"I just wanted to have one more lunch meeting with you guys, eat together with my brothers," he reasoned getting a few teasing smirks from his siblings.

"Are you sure you're not being soft?" Jupiter joked, everyone laughed but Sullivan playfully shoved him with his elbow.

"I'm pretty sure I'm not," Sullivan defended.

Max rolled his eyes and continued to eat.

"But we always eat at home together it's not like this is the last time we're going to see each other stupid." Bash retorted.

"Shut up and just enjoy this time no?" Sullivan started to eat his meal.

And altogether the four brothers ate, talking and joking around like old times. Max continued to eat while Jupiter played with his food, sneaking glances from Riley who smiled at him and waved, leaving Jupiter smiling himself like an idiot. Sullivan did believe in loved but education and college was his first priority, it was when he saw Cath for the last time sitting right across their table and they fixed their eyes on each other, mesmerized by their past experiences, she mouthed a simple hi and Sullivan smiled. He was going to miss this place, miss seeing his brothers at school. He knew this.

So they all enjoyed their last lunch meeting together. The best one they've ever had.

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