3|| Lunch Meetings

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Chapter three:

Sullivan was trying really hard to maintain his composure as he saw Jupiter and Max approach the round table with their red lunch trays, all filled with french fries. Max and Jupiter slowly stopped stealing each others fries, when they saw Sullivan and a girl. Girls weren't allowed to their lunch meeting. Bash would get pissed.

"Hello there! I'm Cath!" The girl cheerfully leaned over Sullivan who rolled his brown eyes. She casually brushed against Sullivan to greet Jupiter and Max. Jupiter didn't bothered to waste no time at all, he turned around to sit next to the lovely lady. She smiled too widely for her thin face, but it didn't matter because her honey pooled eyes made her look exotic under his eyes, especially how they reflected the sunlight in them.

"I'm Jupiter," Jupiter introduced as he finished swallowing his mouthful of french fries, this made Cath nervously blush terribly.

"Hey, do you know why Bash called the meeting-?"Max asked before Jupiter interrupted.

"Texted!" Jupiter returned to eating his french fries and occasionally stole a few from Cath when she gazed at Sullivan, who was ignoring her on purpose.

"No," Sullivan spoke.

"Well I want to hang out with my friends and this chick called um, Dale?" Max informed the group, as he took Cath's presence in. She was a pretty girl, with a short black raven pixie haircut, her saw her collarbones from the shoulder less blouse, her thing glasses framed her eyes that were like the moon at night, dark. Max managed to look away before Cath had a chance to look at his stares.

"Me too, tell me Cath do you have a boyfriend?" Jupiter flirted.

Cath wasn't intimidated by his game so she played along.

"Not yet," she slightly bit her bottom lip. She didn't have to worry about smearing lipstick because she wouldn't wear any makeup.

Sullivan groaned in frustration. Where's Bash, he's suppose to be here at his meeting, he complained.

"Meeting?" Cath pulled out a small notebook, and opened it to a clean page. Jupiter stole a glance from the paper, at the top in sloppy handwriting, it was labeled: Naive Boys to Brotherhood.

"A meeting we brothers had adapted as tradition, since Sullivan's freshman year. When we need advice, help, or whatever. Someone sens a message, we meet here." Max was not soft speaking, this threatened Jupiter, but both brothers glassed at Cath who rapidly wrote in her journal. Jupiter threw a look at Sullivan, a WTF look.

"School's newspaper," Sullivan explained.

Jupiter laughed, "So we're all famous now?" He mocked at Cath, the ends to her lips curled up a bit. This frightened Jupiter, he'd never seen a girl smirk so mischievously before.

"Of course the Walker's brothers are famous here. Are you kidding me? You are the Captain of the lacrosse team, Bash is a state champion swimmer with a killer body," Everyone rolled their eyes, "Max is the first school's bad boy player, you're second at that." Cath knew her stuff, and she was proud, every bit of it.

"And what about Sullivan?" Max questioned when Sullivan refused to ask, he was eager to know, but he refused to lose his pride to Cath, a fellow classmate that would be following him until the night.

She squinted at Sullivan, she admired how gorgeous he looked. With light washed jeans, a black cardigan, was what he usually would wear to school. No varsity logo, no label. She knew he was still popular, the nice guy.

"Sullivan is- The fictional boyfriend everyone wants." Cath answered honestly to the brothers who bursted out laughing when they saw how bad Sullivan was blushing. Max had accidentally swallowed a piece of french fry, he coughed but continued laughing.

"Guys?" A different voice called their attention. Everyone looked up at Bash, his brothers knew immediately something was wrong.

"Finally! the god of the heaven!" Jupiter complained, with a mouthful of his remainder.

"Aren't you the god?" Cath felt so superior to the brothers.

"what?" Jupiter looked at her confused.

"Jupiter...Zeus?" Cath reasoned. She could swear she saw Sullivan smirk.

"What is she doing here?" it wasn't that he didn't like Cath, they had same Chemistry class.

"Does it intimidate you that I'm a girl?" Cath batted her eyelashes, this annoyed Bash. He mouthed something at Sullivan, You'll pay. The brothers didn't argue.

"No!" Bash answered too quickly, "Anyway, you guys know Macbeth, right?"

"Yeah, the girl you talk about all day all night," Max looked at Bash sarcastically.

"All year," Jupiter finished.

"Yeah, well. She's been acting weird, Macbeth told me about this guy she is interested in but didn't tell me his name. She's been wearing makeup, and today she told me a sexual joke knowing... sorry Cath, you and I had sex." Bash explained to all of them, he looked at Cath as everyone did, but she took no offence.

"You had sex with him?" Both Sullivan and Jupiter asked in monotone, this caused Cath to laugh and  awkwardly nod in approval of the statement.

"And what's the problem?" Max seemed to cut to the chase. God, thank god for Max, Sullivan and Jupiter thought.

"She wears make up," Bash complained as he took Jupiter's red apple and took a bite out of it as he shouldn't, he's Adam and Eve must be Macbeth.

"Sounds to me that she's turning feminine, a girl." Cath explained with a tone of stupidity towards the brother, casually she would note somethings down which bothered Sullivan. He couldn't bare exposing the life of his brothers to an annoying, most flattering, beautiful girl.

"Yeah well..." Bash widen his eyes when he saw Macbeth at his usual table, along with other friends. He almost imagined Macbeth looking at him with disappointment. So he tucked both his hands inside the pockets of his worn jeans, "I kissed her." He confessed.

Sullivan choked drinking Cath's water bottle, Jupiter stayed in awe, no reaction. Max couldn't even react, they all knew Macbeth since forever. She would come over at their house sometimes, it did surprised them about hearing her wear makeup or interested in boys. They knew her as the tomboy, maybe asexual. But one thing they all realized long before Bash knew, was that they suspected Macbeth in love with Bash. But he was too busy looking at other girls to notice the gorgeous girl besides him.

"She's in love with you," Jupiter recuperated from his shock, Sullivan nodded, Max as well. Cath finished her writing. When she stood up. Sullivan's eyes followed her up to Bash where she brushed his shoulder in sympathy. If it was to Sullivan, he would of known she was flirting with him. Things like these, Bash never noticed.

"Hey Cath, wait up!" Sullivan stood up and chased after Cath who was out of the lunch room.

Upset Bash took a seat where Sullivan had sat. Three brothers sat in silence when the lunch room was loud and wild.

"I fucked up," Bash spoke to himself.

Jupiter and Max nodded in agreement.

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