Chapter 8

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Hello guys!

I'm exahusted today but still managed to write you guys a chapter. Please enjoy and vote, comment, and stuff!


~Katherine Pov~

(Next Day)

"Pst Sammy" I whispered in Sam's ear.

It was probably 5 in the morning.

He groaned telling me he was waking up.

"Hey Sam I'm gonna go for a run. I'll be back before breakfast." I told him as I began walking out of his room quietly.

"Sure okay...ZZZZ" He fell back asleep.

I just shrugged it off and headed outside. Once I closed the front door I began running out of the junkyard.

For a while I was running in the middle of nowhere but using my amazing sight I could see a town up ahead.

I ran past a couple houses and some random convenient stores.

I loved running to be honest. It makes me feel free and reminds me of my fun childhood from so many centuries ago.

I had just past some random alley when I heard a muffled scream. I stopped in my tracks immediately. I couldn't see anything down the alley but I still went through it.

I was finally almost to the end when I hear the scream again. I hid behind a nearby dumpster when I saw a man yelling at a woman.

"Where is he? Where can I find them?!" The man yelled.

"I don't k-know! Please l-let m-me go" She pleaded.

Right as I was about to intervene he snapped the girl's neck.

"NOO!" I screamed.

The man turned towards me and grinned. His eyes suddenly changed into pitch black. What is he?

"Well look what I have here. Maybe you can be more of use then this lady here." He spoke as he stepped over her body.

I was going to slaughter him, but for now I would act helpless.

He suddenly appeared in front of me and grabbed hold of my forearm.

He pushed me against a wall and looked me up and down.

"Might I say that you are quite a looker. Maybe I could have a taste." He bend his head into the crook of my neck. I shivered in disgust and kneed him in his manhood and held him against the wall by the neck.

"What are you?" I commanded using my compulsion.

He laughed at first before speaking, "I'm surprise you haven't seen a demon before in your life!"

So he was a demon? So this is what a demon is? Good thing the boys taught me a few things last night.

"What do you want?" I sneered.

"I'm looking for a man by the name of Bobby Singer. He can help me find the 2 mongrels that he calls sons."

I was upset now.

"You will never find them!" I hissed. My temper was growing.

I have no clue what was happening inside of me. My temper was never this bad.

"Ah so you know where he is. Maybe I should be talking to you instead. Where are the Winchesters?" He smirked.

I snapped finally and without thinking I placed one of my hands against his head and he began screaming. Soon he was emitting a white light before it disappeared and he fell to the ground dead.

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