Chapter 10

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~Sam's Pov~

I was getting dressed into my FBI suit along with Dean. Katherine had insisted that she would simply sneak around and not get caught but Dean convinced her that she needed to be FBI. So she went out and probably stole a pants suit.

When she came walking out of the bathroom she looked beautiful yet intimidating.

"I hated these back in the 60s. They were everywhere."

"60s?" Dean commented.

"Remember half vamp, we don't age and we live a long time."

"Oh yeah, remind me your age again."

"Not gonna happen Winchester."

Dean laughed before handing her an ID.

"Marlena Matthews, FBI agent." She introduced herself while holding out her badge before hiding it in her jacket pocket.

"Not bad, Kat. Just try to sound more intimidating when you're doing it and here is a gun and a knife. Find some place to hide it."

She grabbed the stuff and found some place to keep it.

"So are we ready to head out?" I questioned Dean who was checking himself in the bathroom mirror.

"Yup, Sammy pass me my keys." I rolled my eyes as I threw it at him and walked out of the motel to the impala.

Dean pulled out and began to head to the Hospital to drop Katherine and me off.

After 10 minutes we arrived.

"Sammy you have my phone number so call if anything happens, Kat stay out of trouble and if anything the police station is 7 minutes from here." We nodded as we hopped out the car.

Katherine and I walked inside the Hospital and stopped at the front desk.

"Yes we would like to see the bodies of the animal attack victims please." I spoke out smoothly.

"I need some ID, sir." The lady replied.

At that moment Katherine and I flashed our badges. The lady nodded before escorting us to the morgue.

A doctor was in the room and looked up at us.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes we would like to see the bodies of the animal attacks." Katherine asked politely.

"Of course right this way." The doctor led us to one of the morgue tables and uncovered one of the bodies. "May I ask why the FBI is involved in some local animal attack?"

"They called us from the station. Apparently some people believe it was murder so we are here to investigate." I simply told him. The doctor nodded his head and turned to the bodies.

"Michael Smith, 24, found dead 2 days ago by some dog walkers." The bodied had clawed marks across its chest that was deep enough to be made by a saw.

"Rachel Donovan, 23, found dead 3 days ago behind a dumpster." She held the same clawed marks as the other victim.

"And finally Timothy Clark, 23, found dead yesterday."

"Thank you" I spoke out and the Doctor left.

"So what do you think?" I asked Katherine.

"Well this isn't a werewolf because the claw marks are too deep. Um" she smelled the bodies, " I can't seem to smell any type of monster or something."

"Anything else?"

Katherine got closer to the bodies and moved their head to the side. They all had some a little incision in the back of their necks.

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