Chapter 25

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Hey everyone! 

2015 is quickly ending! Can't believe it. 

Hope you enjoy this chapter!


Katherine's Pov

"Hey Bartender hit me up with another round!" I yelled at the blonde man.

"Coming up sweet cheeks."

He hit me with 3 more shots just as the boys entered the bar. I grabbed one of the shots and downed quickly just as Sam saw me.

Things between me and him have been a bit awkward since we kissed 2 weeks ago. Sam has been wanting to talk about it but I've been avoiding it. I would either run off or try to stay occupied. Lately I've been going off to bars to drink the night away. He's probably noticed that I don't want to talk about it since he hasn't been asking to talk about it for a few days now. Dean has no clue about what had happened and I plan on keeping that way. For some reason I think he would be mad about it, not about me keeping a secret, but because it was his brother. Speaking about kissing I never did mention what happened to Erick and I when I went into heat. Even though it's really not their business I still feel as if I'm keeping things from them. I hate lying to people, always have and always will.

Today I felt extremely guilty for some reason so once we reach Oregon and found a motel I quickly went to go find the local bar. Which is where I currently am at the moment.

The boys quickly took their place next to me. Sam to my left and Dean on my right. I took my next shot then.

"Slow down Kat are you trying to get sick or something." Dean spoke out.

"Silly Dean, I can't get drunk, I have a great tolerance." I slurred a bit as I reached for my next shot.

"Sure you are." Sam commented sarcastically.

I turned to him and stuck my tongue out. I took my last shot and smiled as it burned the back of my throat.

I raised my hand at the bartender but Dean smacked it down before he could see it.

"You suck Dean Winchester." I pouted.

I stood up from the stool and was about to walk out when something caught my eyes. A group of men in the back of the bar holding on to their guns and and drinking beer. The boys looked at the direction I was looking and cursed.

"Katherine we should go." Sam spoke as he grabbed my shoulders and started guiding me to the exit.

Dean was following behind us and we were almost out the door when some called out.

"Winchesters!" We all turn our heads to the hunters at the back.

Slowly the all come to the three of us.

"It is you guys! Haven't seen your faces since you were little." The old man smiled in a way that made me not trust him.

"Yeah hello Jerry." Sam said as he removed his hands from my shoulders to shake the hunter's hands who was wearing some gloves. Weird it wasn't even that cold out.

Jerry went to shakes Dean hands and then turned to me.

"I don't think I've seen your face before."

"Yeah I'm kind of new. The names Katherine sir." I smiled.

"Jerry Watson. I knew these boys since they were younger, along with their daddy."He extended his hands for me to shake.

I was unsure if I even wanted to touch the man but one look from the boys made me place my hand into Jerry's. Searing hot pain spread through my whole arm as I shook the man's hand. It took all my willpower to not scream and show any indication that I was in pain.

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