Chapter 16

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~Katherine's Pov~

The room was spinning now as I fought my mind. All my past has basically been thrown back in my face. I'm not who I thought I was. I was a freak, an abomination, a hybrid. How can I be alive?

Tears pricked my eyes now and I was on the verge of having a mental breakdown. Who were my parents?

Someone was shaking my shoulders. I couldn't bring myself to focus on my surroundings; I was just staring into space.

"Come può essere ? Perché sono un mostro ? Chi sono i miei genitori ? Che cosa significa questo per me ? Sono supponiamo di morire ?"

I kept repeating all my questions in my native tongue.

"Katherine!" I heard a distant call.

I couldn't respond. My mind was numb.

"Katarina!" With that my mind snapped back to reality.

I was faced with two very concern looking men. Dean and Castiel.

"Come può essere ? Perché sono un mostro ? Chi sono i miei genitori ? Che cosa significa questo per me ? Sono supponiamo di morire ?" I said all too quickly.

Dean looked confused and turned to Castiel.

Tears were running down my face and I let out a silent sob.

A hand reached out and held my hand rubbing a finger across my palm. I followed the hand and saw that it belong to Dean. I couldn't even manage a smile.

Castiel came closer to me and looked me straight in my eye.

"Katarina, you are no freak! You are a miracle, in a twisted way. Obviously you we to be born because things like you are rare, almost non-existence. You are not meant to die and as for your parents I can try to look up information. Find at least a clue about them."

"Stephanie Veronesi" I whispered.

"Excuse me?" Dean sat closer to listen better.

"My mother's name; it was Stephanie Veronesi. She was a powerful wolf apparently from what Charlotte told me."

Castiel nodded.

"I'll do my best." Dean and I watched as Castiel vanished.

I pulled my knees closer and I ran my hands through my hair. Tears were still falling.

Dean sat next to me in the bed then and pulled me to his lap.

"We will get through this." He whispered as he rubbed my back.

Something about being in Dean's arms made me feel relax and calm. We began to move around a bit to the point where Dean was laying on the bed and my head was on his chest.


~ Dean's Pov~

Kat was a complete mess and it hurt me to see her in this situation. I tried my best to sooth her and weirdly she responded to my touch. She was lying on me. For some reason it felt amazing and torturous to have her so close to me.

At the moment it was 5 in the morning and I was beyond tired. I couldn't stop thinking about the night before. How intimate we were. Why did it have to be a hex? Why couldn't it be real for once?

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