Chapter 19

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Happy Holidays y'all!


~Katherine's Pov~

Its been 2 weeks since I found out about my parents. Its been tough actually seeing the way my mother die but I know she did it out of love and I have to live my life. After that Castiel had left to see if he could track down my father becasue their is a possibility he could be alive but the chances are slim. Also I haven't been able to do any more angel stuff, the only thing I can really do is use fire which my mother could use which is still shocking.

Lately I can sense an extreme amount of tensions coming from Sam and Dean and when I asked them about it they denied it and brushed me off. I'm worried for them.

Currently we were heading to Texas since we caught whiff of on something sucking the brains out of people.

Sam was searching in his laptop of possible creatures while Dean had left to talk to sheriff in the town along with the hospital containing the 3 dead victims that were found. After about an hour Dean came back.

I turned to Dean who was placing his things down.

"So what did you learn?"

"Besides the fact that the sheriff here is a complete dick I found that the victims were killed every other day. When I went to look at them I noticed a pierce marking behind their ears. The morgue technician said that the brain was basically sucked out of them, but they are just marking them as accidents since they have no idea what could have done this."

"Okay so when was the last victim killed?" I questioned as I walked on over to his side.

"The night before last." Dean spoke out grabbing his gun and placing it on his belt.

"So tonight their is a possible chance of there being another victim."

Dean nodded while Sam placed his laptop down.

"We have a few options, a wraith, kitsune, werewolf, and zombie."


"Okay well that one was just thrown in there. They dont exist but I thought it was appropiriate."

I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"We can check out the local pub for anything since this a small town and most likely the best place to look." Dean suggested.

I shrugged my shoulder as we headed to the impala. Dean pulled out and looked at me through the rearview mirror. I made a kissy face at him which he rolled his eyes at. Giggling softly I turn my attention to the night sky and watched as we drove off to the local pub.

5 minutes later we pulled up to a bar called, "The Southern Rattler."

Dean parked the car and we stepped out. I adjusted my plad shirt and dust off my black boots.

We began walking to the front door and Sam opened the door for me while he left the door close in front of Dean. Dean was agitated by this but he let it slide.

I looked around the bar and noticed a lot of men with either hunting gear or dressed in a western/cowboy style.

I decided to walk up to the bar stool and take a seat while the boys went to their own location.

The man behind the counter was young probaby 27 or so with a clean cut beard and beautiful choclate brown eyes. He was grabbing someone's elses order when he noticed me. He smiled slightly before walking over to me.

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