He Saw Me

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I woke up so exhausted. I went to my vanity to fix up my hair. My hair was so thick, I had a cache of hair brushes just in case one broke. I looked in my closet for something to wear. I grabbed my skinny jeans and a gray hoodie. "Evangeline.!" I heard my foster mother yell from down stairs. "Get down here for breakfast.!" Damn she had a loud voice. I walked down stairs and sat at the nearest chair at the dining room.

"So, gonna impress this guy wearing that.?!" my foster sister questioned. "Leave her alone Polly. She doesn't question your love life." my foster mother said standing up for me.

My foster mother had two stacks of pancakes and two strips of bacon on my plate and set it down in front of me. My foster sister, Polly, ate fast and gulped down as much of juice as she could. "Later mom, later dweeb." she said as she was walking out. "I thought I was giving you a ride to school." my foster mother, London, said to Polly. "George is taking me to school mom.!" Polly said as she was about to walk out the door. "Stop having sex in the back of his truck, I love you.!" London said as the door closed. She looked at me and said "Maybe there is a good thing about boys not liking you". When she wasn't looking I started cutting up my food to make it look like I ate. I gave the bacon to my dog that was under the table.

"Well London, I gotta get going." I said as I got my backpack. "Need a ride.?" she asked. As much as I didn't want a ride, I needed one. "Yes." I said. She took off her apron and got her car keys. We both got in the car and headed off to school. I looked out the window and thought "will Gerard notice me today.?" hopefully.

We arrived at school at the drop off area. I quickly got out of the car. I guess London wanted to a goodbye. So she leaned and rolled down the passengers side window and yelled to me " I love you sweetheart.!!"
Everyone around me started laughing and saying "Love you too mother." I was so embarrassed. I just walked away and went to class.

I arrived at biology and sat down at my usual seat at the window. I saw Gerard and Lindsay walk in together. His arm was around her shoulder. Could it be.? No.! They only known each other for a day.! I quickly just looked out the window.

The second bell rang and Mr. Hughes told us that we had to finish our lab from yesterday. I didn't start it. I decided to do some extra credit so London could take me out for ice cream. Everyone started on their labs, and so did I. I kinda did the first part, that everyone did yesterday, in five minutes. Now I was where everyone was at. But of course, I was faster. I took all the notes and did the lab. I was done. Only ten minutes left of class. I could draw.

The bell rang and I closed my notebook, and stormed out the door to history. I saw Gerard walk in. Of course, walking to the back of the room. I took down notes Ms. Catalina told us to take. I decided after math, I'd go to study hall.

I was happy to arrive at math. I love math. Plus after this is study hall. Mrs. Jacobson was explaining today's topic after the second bell rang. With a surprise visit, in came Gerard. I sat up straight. And looked at him. He looked at Mrs. Jacobson and said "Sorry, I guess I missed this class yesterday, I'm new, my name is Gerard." "Well Gerard, have a seat, and welcome to our math class." Mrs. Jacobson said as she closed the door behind him. The only empty seat was next to me. I know I wanted him to sit next to me, but I was so scared when he actually was.

I quickly duck my head down into my notes and hid my face. Our desks were in rows. He wasn't exactly right next to me. He was a foot away. I decided to not focus on him and take notes. Every word Mrs. Jacobson said, I wrote it in a second, like I knew what she was saying. I kept wanting to look over at Gerard, but I knew he would look back.

Mrs. Jacobson said for us to silent read now. I took out my notebook and started drawing. I took a quick glance at Gerard. He was looking at my notebook. Then for a second he looked at me. I quickly turned away. He-he looked at me.!! This is so something I could say to London.!

I didn't want to glance back at him because I knew he'd think I was just staring at him. It was kinda awkward when we looked at each other. I could've at least just waved at him. What would he think though.? I wanted to draw him. But I needed to stare at him before I did. But I couldn't.

My pencil broke. I didn't want to be that idiot who was the only one up and have that electric pencil sharpener making noise while everyone stared at me. Especially when Gerard was there. I could see at the corner of my eye that Gerard saw that my pencil broke. He was looking through his backpack for a pencil. I didn't want it to be more awkward. While I had my chance, I quickly took out my other pencil from my back pocket. I felt bad cause he found a pencil and saw that I already had one. He put it back in his backpack.

When the bell rang, I closed my notebook and stormed off the study hall.

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