I'm Back

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Once I got home I stopped in the living room to where London and Polly sat there staring at me and gasping. "Honey.! What happened.!" London asked. "Omg.! What is that all over you, it smells awful.!" Polly shrieked. I ran upstairs to the bathroom. I took of the stupid lingerie and jumped in the shower. The poop did come out fast. My hair smelled normal again. I put the clothes back in Polly's room. That was her problem.

I put on leggings and a hoodie. I laid down and stared at my ceiling. Thinking on how much of a loser I was. I couldn't get those words out of my head. "To the lamest geek in high school." Good thing I didn't bring my phone. I got a text.

*phone screen*

What a show.! I'll kick their ass. If you come back to me-Ronnie xoxo

I got tired of this and blocked his number. I heard the door bell. I looked outside my window and saw Gerard's car. Shit. I didn't want to see him. I was too embarrassed. But London let him in anyway. I pressed my ear against the door.

"I'm here to see Evee." Gerard said. "Oh well she's upstairs." London said. Shit. "Mom we don't even know him." Polly said. You rock Polly.! "Are you that boy that Evangeline came home all happy about and blabbering that you talked to him. Wow she has a huge crush on you.!" London said. Shit. Well my life's over.! He knows now. This is the worst night of my life.! I sobbed and didn't listen to the rest on the conversation.

I heard the door close and silence. Good he left. I wiped my tears and thought of something I haven't done in years. Cutting. Before I could get my blade. I heard a knock on my window. Gerard.? I opened it and almost fainted.

"Ronnie.?!" I yelled.

"Shh babe, someone might here you." he said as he entered my room. "I noticed you blocked my number." I didn't say anything. I just crossed my arms and stared at him. "I saw what happened." he said. "And I have an idea." "What is your almighty idea.?" I said sarcastically.

"Runaway with me." he said.

My heart almost stopped. Runaway with him.?! No.! But if I did, I'd be away from all this trouble. But Ronnie is trouble too. "I'm sorry baby for what I did, and I've changed, and I love you." he said as he held my hand. I looked over at the lily poppy I cleaned and set on my desk. Leave Gerard.? After all he's happy with Lindsay. I don't deserve to be with him. I didn't want to think anymore.

"Yes." I said. "Let's leave right now."

Ronnie smiled and kissed me. I put on my jeans and converse. I looked at the lily poppy and took it with me. We jumped in Ronnie's car. I told him I needed to go to Gerard's place to drop off something.

Once we got to Gerard's place. I left the lily poppy at his doorstep. "Goodbye." I whispered before walking back to the car. I stared out the window wondering if this was a good idea or not. He drove for an hour. I looked at the streets of New York. I looked at the skyline. I started getting hungry. I had no water. I decided to just go to sleep and let the hunger go away.

We stopped at a hotel. Ronnie went to go check in and we walked to our room. I crashed on the bed and wanted to go to sleep right away. "Ya know baby." Ronnie said as he put his hand on my thigh. "We got a lot of time till morning." I knew this was a mistake he just wanted what he didn't get in the first place.

I sat up and crawled back. "Ronnie, stop.!" I said. He slapped me straight in my face. I started crying on the floor. He cracked his knuckles and started taking my hoodie off. I extended my arms on his face so he would back up. "Asshole." I said struggling. I kicked him in his face which caused him to fall back. I quickly got his keys from the desk next to the bed.

I ran out the door and to his car. It was hard to put the keys in on how much I was scared. My hands were shaking like crazy. I backed up the car. I saw Ronnie running to the car. I stepped on it. I drove to Gerard's house. I ran to his house and knocked on his door repeatedly. He didn't answer. Shit.

I decided to go back home. I parked Ronnie's car a house away from mine. I walked to my front door and opened it. "Hello Evangeline." London said. "This sweet boy is here to see you." I almost fainted when I saw Ronnie get up from the couch and turn to me and smile. Shit.

Lily Poppies. Gerard Way FanFiction.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora