I'm Your Biggest Fan

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I put on my casual clothes and head to Polly's. I decide to walk. Her house isn't that far to walk. Once I arrive I regret walking. "Polly.! Happy birthday.! I'm here." I yell as I walk in. "Hey.!" she says as she hugs me. "Where's George.?" I ask looking around. "He went to visit his dad." she said as she sighs. "I'm all alone." "Not for long, we're going to Gerard's concert." I said. She squeals and hugs me. She's never been to a concert before.

She runs to her bedroom to find something to wear. I follow. "I need something to wear that's pretty but not too trashy." she says as she throws her clothes out of the dresser one by one. She looks at her mini skirts and tube tops. "You shouldn't wear this." she says as she hands it to me. Once I look at it, I remember Lindsay's party. But I didn't want to look like a weird person wearing what I'm wearing now. She decided to wear a crop top and jeans with heels.

The concert started at four so we passed the time to actually celebrate Polly's birthday like a normal person. I brought her a cake and we had little party plates and soda cups with Dora on everything. It felt like we were young. Even though we didn't know each other that long.

After all the commotion, we decided to relax and just chat. We talked about London mostly. "So eat Gerard's dick.?" she asked playfully. "Actually uh, yea." I said. Her laughing quickly stopped. "Nuh uh.!?" she yelled. "Wow omg really.??" "Yea." I said normally. "When.? Are you pregnant.?!" she said as she widen her eyes. She sounds like London. "Just last night. And no." I said with a chuckle. "Wow, I never thought you'd say yes to that question." she said as she called down.

After a few hours, it was time to go to the concert. Polly went to her room and got ready. I got the clothes and went to the bathroom. I put it on and looked at myself. Wow. I look hot.!

I actually felt not gross. I just needed for Polly to put makeup on me. I still felt like I showed too much. I put on my long sweater and came out of the bathroom. "Makeup time.!" Polly squealed. She did my make up the same as last time. I basically looked like I was about to get bird poop all over me.

When she was done with her makeup, we left to the concert. I felt confident that was dressed like this. The high school me was all shy and stuff. But I felt nice. I felt pretty. I started regretting bringing a long sweater.

We entered and walked pass by all the concession stand and finally made our way to the stage. There was already people there. There was only people five away from the stage. Everyone was socializing and drinking. Me and Polly had beers in our hands. We decided to not care today. Plus it was her birthday. MCR wasn't first. They were the second band.

I couldn't jump or anything. I had on stilettos. I could only move my hips around and shake my head. A couple of pervs grabbed my ass. I ignored it. Shit got real when they grabbed Polly's. "Hey.!" I scream at the perv. "Don't you grab her ass.!" "Don't worry I got some for you." the perv said as he tried to grab mine again. I smacked my beer bottle on his forehead and he passed out. I guess he was drunk.

I completely ignored the situation and went back to rocking out. I got a little drunk. Not that drunk though. Me and Polly went crazy when MCR went on. I think I was the loudest. A lot of girls around me gave me 'the face' I can't explain 'the face'. Let's just say your mom wakes you up and four in the morning to do the dishes. Or tells you to go to your bed when you fall asleep on your couch. That's 'the face'. Once they were done they went to the left side of the stage to sign autographs. Mikey and Ray were the ones sitting down signing things on the table. Frank and Bob were saying hi to the fans. Gerard just waved as he stood next to the table.

I walked over to him. "I'm your biggest fan.!" I say as I hug him. "You made it." he says as he squeezes me. I stand next to him waving at Polly as she gets more beer.

I turn my head and see groupies standing there winking at Gerard and biting the tip of their fingernail. They all started making flirty faces and twirling the ends of their hair. I tugged on Gerard's arm which made him put his arm around my waist. They make 'the face'.

I decide to be a little crazy. I walk over to Polly and take off my sweater and just throw it. We started drinking more and more. Shit. How are we going to get home. "I think we should stop." I hiccup. We stop and continue to rock out in the crowd. Wow I'm drunk.

-two weeks later-

I wake up so nauseous. Wow that concert really got to me. I ran out of bed and threw up. How much did I drink.? I decide to not eat to not throw up more. I just drink water to stay hydrated. I heard Gerard walk in through the front door. "Sunshine, I'm here." he says as he enters. I come out from the kitchen and hug him. "Still feeling ill.?" he asks as he feels my forehead for a fever.

"I feel like shit." I said as I start to feel nauseous again. "I want to go see Polly give me a ride.?" "Sure." he said as he put his jacket around me. It was starting to be winter. It was cold outside during winter in New York.

We got in the car and drove to Polly's I felt so sick I wanted to puke again. Good thing I could keep it in the whole ride there. I kissed Gerard and went inside. I turned around and waved to him watching him wave back. He got out of his car for some reason. "Evee, here" he said as he was walking up to me. He gave me a lily poppy. I felt so special again. I kissed his cheek and went inside.

"Hey Eves." she said as she hugged me. "Let me use your bathroom." I said running to it and puking right away. "Still sick.?" Polly said as she patted my back. "I have these weird cravings and eat everything.! But I always puke." I complain as I wipe my mouth. "Oh, honey when's the last time you got your period.?" she asked softly. "A month and a week ago." I said as I washed my mouth out. She looked at me with puppy eyes. "What.?" I ask. Then I realized what was happening.

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