Life Isn't Easy Peasy

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"Dweeb.?! Are you dead.?" Polly yells in my ear. I open my eyes and see Polly standing over me. I get up and feel like shit. "Why'd you drink my beer.?" she asks as she pushes me. "And where's London I need money."

I roll my eyes. "For your information London is in the hospital with leukemia and has a limited amount of time to live. All you care about is showing off how much your ass hangs out of your shorts.!" I scream as I try to turn the knob to my room.

"Wait, are you serious.?" she asks with her normal voice. "Yes bitch.!" I yelled at her as I continue trying. She seems overwhelmed and scared. "Is she really.?" she asks. "Didn't I ready say that.?!" I yell. I continue and get frustrated. Fuck it. I stumble downstairs and collapse on the couch. I get a phone call from Gerard.

"What.?" I say annoyingly. "Um, Evee, I know you might not be in the mood, but do you want to go on a date.?" he asks nervously. I quickly snap back into reality. "Yes.!" I blurt out. "Great well I'll come pick you up in an hour." he says before hanging up.

I run to the bathroom and get the bad beer breath out by brushing my teeth. I brush my hair vigorously getting the knots out. I put on a sweater with jeans. I decided to look a little feminine. I put on some jewelry and put my hair in a braid.

When I was done with all this hectic commotion, I answer the door when I hear the door bell. "Hello m'lady." Gerard says as he hands me a lily poppy. "Thank you." I say while I put it in my hair. He leads me to his car and we take off.

I wonder to myself where he's taking me. I stare out my window and smile. I look at couples drinking coffee together and smiling. I look at Gerard. One day.

We arrive at a bar. Shit. I look too girly. I quickly take out my braid and let down my wet messy hair. I take off my sweater and wrap it around my waist. Only showing a t-shirt. We walk in.

"My band is performing here. Thought you might want to see them." he said as he opened the door for me. He sits me down at a table. "You don't drink do you.?" he asks. Once he said that I remember what happened last night. So I decide to drink. "Yeah, well I do now." I said with a chuckle. He goes to the bartender and brings back two beers.

"So when is your band playing.?" I ask. "Oh shit.! Right now.!" he blurts out when he checks the time of his watch. He runs back stage to get prepared. I chug down my beer in two minutes.

The curtains open and everyone shouts and get crazy. I decided to stay seated. I stay at the bar and order more rounds of beer. I decide to drink something stronger. I get a whole bottle of wine and start walking up to the stage. Everyone head bands and goes crazy. I drink, then bang, drink, then bang. It was kind of a routine. I started tumbling back to the bar to get more drinks.

I take two shots and more rounds of beer. I get too intoxicated. I decide to sit down and cool off. I start hiccuping. I haven't felt like this ever.

Once they were done another band started playing. Once they started Gerard walked up to me. "You liked our show.?" he asks as he gets a beer. "What.? Ohh, yea." I hiccup. "Are you drunk.?" he asks. "I'm not drunk. I'm extremely drunk." I answer as I try to get up. "I think I should take you home." he says as he grabs my hand.

He helps me to the car and when I look outside, it was already night. He helps me in the car and drives me home.

Once we get there he pulls over. "I had a really great time tonight Evee." he says as he smiles and looks at me. "Me too." I hiccup. I turn my whole body to him and have the drunkest smile ever. He smiles and leans in. For once I actually want to kiss him. I put my hand on the back of his neck moving his head closer to mine.

Just before our lips touch. I had this sick feeling. I freaked out and couldn't hold it in anymore. I quickly turn around and open the car door and just vomit all over the grass.

Once I'm done blowing up all the alcohol, I wipe my mouth and turn to Gerard. He has this horrified look on his face. "Sorry." I say with a chuckle. "Umm, I think you need some rest." he said with a chuckle. I tumble out of the car and head toward my front door. I put my hand on the knob and turn back to wave at Gerard. I then go inside and fell like I'm about to collapse.

"I talked to London today. Turns out she only has a week left." Polly says as she cries on the couch. "I'm drunk as fuck." I say out of no where. "Are you serious.?" Polly screeches. "London is dying and you're out there getting drunk.?!"

"Well looks who's talking.! The worst daughter in the world.! All you want from London is money.! Money money money.! And the moment you know she'll be gone, you worry.! I love London.! More than you ever have.! What I'm doing right now, is pulling a Polly.! I for one want a job some day.! All you ever do is ask London for money.! You never stay home and actually spend time with us like a family. All you ever do is spend time with George, while he plays with your tits and look at your ass at the same time.! Life isn't easy for London really. And life isn't easy for me.! And you don't give a shit.! Cause life isn't easy peasy, pumpkin peasy, pumpkin pie motherfucker.!" I scream before I tumble upstairs.

I collapse on my bed and realize, I just puked in front of Gerard. Shit. Does he still want a kiss now.? Fuck it. I'm drunk. I'm just going to pass out.

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