Spend the Night

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Gerard's POV

Evee got a text on her phone. I wanted to see. She kept calling me snoopy lolkipsauce. Then she got another text. She was silent. Not a single muscle moved from her. She looked up at me. "Evee.?" I asked. She dropped her phone and collapsed on the floor. I was worried. What happened.?!

I quickly got to my knees and started nudging her to wake up. I guess she fainted. By what.? I knew it was wrong but I had to see what her text was. I picked up her phone and read "I'm looking for you-Ronnie xoxo." I'm guessing Ronnie was an ex or something. Why would she faint.? Has she not seen him in a while.? Did she hate him.? He sent a text saying that he's looking for her. I guess she was terrified of him. I didn't know the situation though.

I picked up Evee and set her on the bed. Looking at her she just looks, attractive. Like, wow. I put a blanket over her and turned off the light. I saw that there was a little teddy bear night light next to her bed. Aww. I kissed her on the top of her forehead and went home.

-the next day-

I went to school and called Evee about a hundred times. She still didn't pick up. Was it me.? I started to get worried. I didn't know if I should take her to school cause I thought she already got a ride by the time I got there.

At school, I parked my car and headed in the building. I saw Evee just walking in. I ran up behind her. "Hey bookworm." I said to her with caused her to smile. "Hey dummy." she said as if it were to offend me in some way. "Have you seen my phone.? I couldn't find it since last night." No wonder she never called me back. "Nope, I haven't." I said as we continued to walk to class. I pulled out my phone from my back pocket. I notice right away that, that's not my phone. It was Evee's.! She's going to be so mad at me. Shit. I slowly slipped in into the pocket of her book bag. She didn't notice and everything was okay.

In biology I checked the time on my phone. I pulled it out and almost had a heart attack. I put the wrong phone in her back pack. Good thing Evee was done with her quiz and went to go turn it in to the teacher. I dropped my pencil on purpose and quickly went through her stuff. I stuck my hand in there and felt a sharp pain. I pulled it out. It was a blade. I couldn't believe this. I quickly put it in my pocket and found the phone. I dropped hers in and took mine out. I sat up right when she turned around. Wow that felt like a mission.

Evangeline's POV

At lunch me and Gerard sat at my lonely table. Talking about the party. "So what happens at a party.?" I asked. "Well, you just have fun." he responded. "Don't worry, if you feel alone I'll always stand next to you during the whole thing." He made me feel so safe. "So, what's your band called.?" I asked. "My Chemical Romance." he replied. I thought the name was sick.! Then the bell rang, time to get to math.

After the second bell rang, Mrs Jacobson said that we had to pair up with a partner. I decided not to participate. Right when I was out to open my notebook, Gerard scooted his desk next to me. "Care to join me.?" he asked in a playful manner. "Sure." I said trying to not sound irritated.

Gerard still isn't good with his math. I told him to do ten problems and that I'd check it. I pulled out my phone and saw that I had a text.

*phone screen*

I know where you live, I know where you sleep-Ronnie xoxo.

I tried not to faint. I kept calm and just put my phone down. I was afraid to go home. What would he do to me.? Rape me.? Choke me.? Who knows. I guess I was daydreaming because I was brought back to reality when Gerard said "Earth the Evee, I'm done." I grabbed his paper and darted grading it. "Wow only too wrong." I said with shock. Gerard did this little victory dance thing.

After school we started walking toward his car. I had to tell him now, or ever. "Um Gerard.?" I said softly.
"Yes Evee.?" he replied. "Is there anyway I could spend the night with you.?" I asked. By the look of his face, he was shocked and happy and the same time. "Of course Evee, everything going on okay at home.?" he asked. I just didn't want to die in my sleep. "Yeah, I just would rather sleep with you tonight." I said softly. He put his arm around me and smiled. "You're always welcome to." he said with a friendly smile spread across his face.

I got in the passenger's seat and shut the door. We headed off to his house. He lived in a nice, homely neighborhood. We walked inside and I admired the wild life around the house. We walked inside and there was a complete silence. "Well this is my dwelling .!" he said that made an echo from the emptiness. "I'll show you to your room." he said as he walked up the stairs. This was a nice house, but also cozy. He showed me the the spare room. There was a wooden dresser, huge window on one wall, carpet on the floor, wooden bed, and a wardrobe. "Wow" I whispered to myself. I walked over to his room where he went. "Why is this place empty.?" I asked. "Well, my brother Mikey is with his girlfriend for the weekend, my parents are out of town, and I have nothing better to do." he said with a chuckle at the last part. "Lolkipsauce, so you slept here alone last night.?" I said with shock. "Yea, I get used to it." he said. That was kinda sad. I heard my ringtone from the spare room. Looks like someone texted me.

*phone screen*

I followed you to a place that's not your home-Ronnie xoxo

I was terrified at this moment. That meant coming to stay over here didn't do anything different. I felt scared, I thought I was about to die. I opened my window and peeked my head out. Looks like Ronnie wasn't out there right now. I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling fan. Maybe I should tell Gerard. He'd protect me. I got and and went to go see him.

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