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 No, you are not wrong if you think about the nevershoutnever song.

"I don't think this will work Brendon, honestly, he's our fucking dad." Brandon whispered harshly, attempting to talk some since into my head.

"Bran, just for once, shut the fuck up and follow my lead okay?" I whispered rudely back. I took a deep breath and released. This was only going to end two ways; Brandon and I in a mental ward or the best fuck we've ever had with more to come.

Here goes nothing.


That was two fucking weeks ago and I was still a virgin. You see my name is Brendan, I'm a twin to my idiotic brother, Brandon, and we've been trying to fuck our dad for weeks. And when I say dad, I literally mean our fucking dad.

This started about six months earlier when our parents officially divorced. Any of pair of twins would have been wrecked with grief that mommy and daddy were no longer together, but my cynical brother and I were thrilled. Why, you ask?

Because Daddy was fucking single.

Aren't we just a lifetime special for tween girls to gush about? Anywho, two weeks ago we attempted to seduce our dad into playing one of our reindeer games but it was us who did not get to join in on dad's games. My father appeared to be relishing in the fact that he was single too; by screwing some twink boys' brain out in our house. That ended In Brandon and I returning to our room. My poor brother was so bent out of shape, he gave me an angry blowjob while grumbling in jealousy.

Not that I minded at all.

"What does that twink have, we don't?" he mumbled before taking me impossibly deep into his throat. I choked out a quiet moan before groaning out my reply.

"Hey, at least we know dad is into boys. That's progress, no?" Brandon glared up at me, my business still in his mouth. God, it made him look ridiculously hotter.

With a popping sound, he released my dick of the hold his mouth once had.

"You're not even taking this seriously!" he shouted. In my head I groaned dramatically long. Brandon had such a flair for dramatics. He gets it from mom.

"I didn't really have time to think about dad with anybody before you engulfed my dick with your mouth, now did I?" I questioned, smirking when he blushed madly.

"You're crude, you know that?" He barked back, starting to stroke me again.

"I'm also very fucking horny, did you know that?" I replied smoothly with sarcasm. Needless to say, we finished each other off before heading to bed.

After getting over the fact that we had indeed seen dad fucking somebody else, we came up with a new plan.

"This seems a little too cliché don't you think?" Brandon questioned, staring up at me with those pretty blue eyes he inherited from mom. I sighed deeply before replying.

"Cliché or not, it's going to get us laid."

Without any further questioning we set our plan into action.


I sat in the back, watching Brandon and our dad have a light an airy conversation. I watched as my brother bit his lip and smile. He was putting on his best charm for tonight. And boy, was it working.

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