Say You Can Stay. (Valentine's Time Day One shot) {Edited}

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I wasn't exactly avoiding him. I simply just didn't want to see him. I was too pissed and who knew what the hell I would do. Controlling my anger wasn't one of my talents, not that I had many. The only thing I was good at doing was looking pretty and playing soccer. Other than that I was pretty useless. That's exactly why I was so reluctant to accept the fact that Star quarterback, Parker Sheen, liked me; The school fairy that couldn't do anything. Yet, here I was, seven months later, in a committed relationship of five months (it took two months for him to convince me it wasn't a joke). I knew I should of ignored him and walked away but how could I? Parker had kisses to die for and knew exactly where and when to touch you. He was addicting and now I was heavenly addicted. But he was leaving me.

We are a month away from graduation, and parker decided now to tell me he planned on going to college halfway across the United States far, far, far away from me. I knew this was a great opportunity for him, especially since he has a full ride scholarship. The only problem was it was in Florida, and we lived in snowy ass Michigan. I hated long drives and was deathly afraid of flying so we would rarely see each other. I don't know how he expected me to act about that but it was probably worse than he expected. I haven't even talked to him since then, and it was now Wednesday. He told me last Thursday. I skipped Monday and Tuesday because I wasn't ready to face him, not that I was now.

I waited for my phone to turn on in my pocket while I grabbed my books for my morning classes. Suddenly, my phone buzzed continuously, tickling my butt. Apparently, I was extremely popular. Just kidding, it was probably just Parker and My dad blowing up my phone. When it finally quieted down, I pulled it out after closing my locker. 

"Babe, I know your upset but can you please just call me?"

"Please baby?"

"I'm sorry I even told you. I know I shouldn't go because I don't want to loose you. I won't go, I promise."

"Logan? Please tell me you aren't doing something stupid. I'm sorry, okay?"

"Why weren't you at school today? Are you okay?"

"Please stop avoiding me."

The text went on and on. I didn't have time to read them all, seeing as class was about to start.  quickly put my phone away and paid attention to class.


I had only seen Parker a few times during my morning classes but I was a small guy so ducking and hiding people wasn't difficult. Though sometimes I was convinced he has seen me when his eyes would dart around the hallway, no doubt looking for me. I had successfully made it to m locker right before lunch. There was still no sign of Parker anywhere.

"Logan!" I jumped, thinking it was Parker but instead it was Johnny, a friend of ours.

"Hey Johnny." I chirped.

"Don't "Hey Johnny" me. Why are you avoiding Parker like he's an STD?"

"Um, I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Uh huh sure. Then why did Parker call me over the weekend asking if I've heard from you. Then come Monday and Tuesday your not here and he looks like just crawled out of the walking dead. What the fuck did you do?"

"I didn't do anything. I was just didn't want t come to school."

"Yeah because you're avoiding him."

"I don't want talk about it Johnny."

"I don't care, tell me."

I sighed, knowing I might have to pull the puppy dog face to get Johnny off my back. If you want words of advice; don't date a quarterback and never have a Puerto Rican friend who is gay.

You Only Get One Shot **BoyxBoy**Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora