Teenage Angst Affair (FatherxSon) {Edited}

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“I only ask for so much from you, Leo.” I mumble, closing out my messages on my phone.  I had recently received a message from my teenage son’s high school. It was not a surprise to learn that he had once again caused a mess for me to clean.

                Perhaps, I had been too nice to him since his mother left him and I both. He seems to always forget that she too had abandoned me. He began partying, which I let go, then he came to drinking and smoking. I had let this slide for too long. I should have set him straight the minute it began like my best friend had told me to.

                I dialed my best friend’s number.

                “What did the shit do now?” She asked automatically.

                “I could have called for another reason you know.” I argue indifferently.

                “You didn’t though, so what did he do?” she impatiently replies.

                “Remember the good times when we called to catch up about things, not to talk about my teenage angst filled child?”

                “I’m losing my patience.”

                “Fine, he blew some shit up in chemistry class.” I confess.

                “If you would just kick his ass and set him straight this wouldn’t happen anymore. I told you e would just continue pushing the limits. I told you-“

                “I know what you fucking said! I know you told me Elizabeth was cheating and that she would leave me, I know I should have kicked my sons ass the first time he stumbled in at 2:30am drunker than a drugged prostitute. I’m fucking aware, okay, Lacey? I know.”

                The line was silent for a while.

                “I’m slowly losing control of my life, Lacey, I need you to help me.” I whisper, wiping the tears from my face.

                “Kick his ass Jason, that’s how kids learn.”

                “Last time I-“

                “I said kick his ass not get drunk and then take out your problems on the kid.”

                “There’s a difference, I know, but Lacey-“

                “Don’t pull the ‘Lacey I’m scared’ bullshit. Be a man, and kick your son’s ass.”

                With the final advice from Lacey, I hung up the phone. I packed up my working material’s in my at home office. I grab my car keys, walking calmly to my truck. I stick the keys into the ignition before casually cruising to his school. I stay as calm as I possibly can. I wasn’t to kick his ass like Lacey demanded, but I was going to set him straight. There was going to be no more partying late, flunking test, and skipping classes. He was going to get his shit together and I was too.

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