Don't you have a reputation to protect?{Edited}

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I hated him with everything inside me. Usually I’m a happy go lucky person but not today. He’s crossed the fucking line for the last time. I understood that he was the quarter back, the star student, and that this town was close minded towards gay; but I was not going to allow to him to actually have sex with other girls but he wouldn’t have sex with me; the one he supposedly loved? Fuck that, I was done being put last.

I woke up in this pissed off mood since I went to bed this pissed off. In order this plan to work though, I needed to act as normal as a pissed off boyfriend could be. This wasn’t going to be easy. I stripped, showered, and got dress faster than normal. I actually had time to sit and eat breakfast with my mom and little brother. My brother silently ate beside me. He never really talked unless he found it necessary. My mom tried making conversation with him, but we learned to just let him be. He was trying to discover his sexuality and the kid he likes has been giving him shit about it. I told him to just wait out the storm and that’s what he’s currently doing. I kissed my mother’s cheek and ruffled my brothers’ hair on my way out the door.

And there the little shit was, waiting by the porch for him.

“Hey kid?” I called. His head snapped up out of shock and an “I’m too cool for school” look quickly covered his thinking face.

“What fag?” he said sharply.

“You’re killing him. Either you tell him you like him or fuck off. Don’t toy with my brothers feeling.” I spat before throwing my hood up and walking towards my school.I went to a typical small town high school. The cheerleaders practiced their cheers conveniently in front of the jocks. The football players either flirted with the cheerleaders or tossed around a football. Soccer players kicked a ball back and forth, the drama freaks laughed together as a kid in baggy clothes pretended to be a zombie. I didn’t have a group, much less friends. I was just that emo kid that everyone assumes is gay. I am, but I didn’t even have to tell anyone. I keep walking forward with my head down and headphones in. I know he’s looking at me. It’s our morning routine to give him his homework from the night before. I didn’t even take him homework home. I was done doing his homework, being his little nerd, I was done being his.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see him tell his friends some excuse before walking towards me. I continue with opening my locker and grabbing my books. He stands beside me and like many times before my heart rate picks up.

“Where’s my homework?”

How come you didn’t you come see me?

“I didn’t do it.”

I didn’t want to see you.

“Why didn’t you do it?”

Are you mad at me?

“I didn’t want to.”

Of course, I’m pissed.

“Oh well how was your weekend?”

I made a mistake.


I know and I'm done

I closed my locker and went to first period.

My classes whirled by in a flash. Soon it was lunch time and I was returning my books to my locker. A shadow was casted on my side. I knew in an instant who the shadow belonged to. Like earlier, I ignored him and continued on. I was getting ready to walk away when his hand caught my arm.

"It was a mistake, I promise." He pleaded.

"Fuck off." I spat bitterly.

"Babe, You know I love you." he whispered, keeping his voice low in case someone were to be ease dropping.

"Say it louder than." I challenged.


"If you really loved me, You'd do this one thing for me and be a man for once and say it fucking louder."

"You know how I feel about-"

"Yeah, I do know." I cut him off bitterly, "I know how you feel about having the emo faggot as a boyfriend. I know, trust me." I yank my arm out of his grasp as I turned towards the cafeteria. The meaningless catter fills my ears while I stand in line. I'm picking at my fingers when I catch part of a girl who's near by conversation.

"Yeah, me and Owen had sex at Saturday's party.  He seemed distracted the whole time and couldn't look me in the eye. It was weird but kinda hot." 

Stupid Bimbo.

I'm up next in line and I pay before going to take my seat by myself, farthest away from the doors. Silently, I chop away on my apple. Music is blasting in my ears but I faintly the sound of a chair being dragged across the floor. I glance to my side, only to see Owen sitting with me. Now keep in mind, Owen barely even looked at me during school hour, much less sit next to me where everybody can see.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have a reputation to protect?" I growl under my breath. I can already hear the cafeteria quieting down.

"What? I can't sit with my boyfriend?" He smirks.

"No, because we're not dating."


Everyone was silent now, waiting for Owen's response. Owen full on smiled now, loving all the attention he was getting. I on the other hand sighed. Owen was an addict for dramatics. He waited until it was completely quiet before responding.

"Baby, you always have been and always will be mine and mine only. Quite frankly I couldn't give a damn what anyone else thinks." He said, winking towards his friend Harry. Harry winked and mouth "Good Job" to him. Something tells me Harry was the cause of this. I was going to have to thank him later.

"I love you." I whispered, getting up from my seat and sitting on his lap. I wrap my arms around his neck as his arms wrap around my waist.

"I love you too baby. And I'm so, so, so, soooo, sorry."

I finally got what I wanted'; a boyfriend who isn't ashamed of me or afraid to claim me.

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