The real reason people have parties.{Edited}

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"Why are we going here again?" I ask warily.  I follow Daniel's lead towards the front door. About ten teenagers are hanging around the yard with red cups probably filled with liquor. I wasn't into liquor or partying for that matter. My best friend was a whole different story.

"Because, It's our chance to become popular. Don't you want to be popular?" He asked, his green eyes sparkling with curiosity. God, I loved his eyes. They were one of the best parts about his face, besides his plump pink lips.

"No." I mumbled under my breath. popularity, looks, any of those things meant absolutely nothing to me. What mattered the most to me was my best friend Daniel and just because I'm in love with him but also because I'm such a great and caring friend. Emphasis  on friends because that's all ill ever be to Daniel. he was as straight as a pole. He constantly talked my ears off about boobs, lesbians, and porn. It was a endless torture especially since he knows I'm  gay. I didn't know any gay guys that talk about boobs.

"Sure you do, Blaine. Everyone cares about that." he says, knocking on the door. The thing I couldn't stand about Daniels was he always tried to preach to me about why popularity matters or why I should be a little more social. That wasn't the problem, no my parents do it too, except Daniel never knows what the hell he's taking about.

"No I really don't. They won't even remember my name after graduation and I won't remember theirs. Who you are in high school won't even fucking matter in the future." I growl lowly before pushing past him just as the door opens. I hear Daniel struggling to catch up to my fast pace. I make my way to the kitchen. I need a beer.

"Geez, for a guy with short legs, you walk fast." he joked. I scuffed angrily. I wasn't in the mood for his offensive joke or his annoying comments. I ignored him and walked into the living room where animals - I mean teenagers were dancing. I squeezed between two guys grinding on each other and started dancing.

 I let the familiar song by Rihanna take me away. I didn't want to be the idiot that fell in love with his straight best friend, or the uncool nerd that everyone made of fun of. I wanted to be Blaine, whoever he was. Three years into high school and I still don't know who I am. The song had changed to Love in This club by Jamie's elsewhere. I fucking loved this song so I grabbed the guy in front of me and pulled him close. His arms went around my waist and my hands joined together around his neck. We started shuffling side to side. Somewhere in all of this, my eyes met Daniel's. He looked utterly pissed but at the moment, I didn't care. I was tired of trying to please someone who never even noticed my effort. I shrugged him off and kept dancing.

After the song ended, I felt a different presence behind me. I turned to see Daniel somehow looking angrier than before.

"Come with me." he barked.

Fed up with his shit, I answered, "Oh yeah and what if I don't want to."

Instead of answering me, he forcefully pulled me down the hall to one of the bedrooms. When we opened the door, there was a couple making out like animals.  He quickly shut the door and went to the next one. Over and over and over again someone was in the rooms until we found the one farthest away from the party.

"God, it seems like half this party is getting it on."

"It's the reason people have parties."


He closed the door and tossed me onto the bed. I started getting antsy. What was he going to do?



"Sit back and close your eyes." 

"W-w-what?" I ask, confused.

"Shhh." he answered.

I did as he told me to and laid back. My hands rested above my head and my feet were hanging off the bed. I heard shuffling but I decided to ignore it.

"You don't know how much it killed me to watch you dance with the other guys." he said. I felt his fingers unbuttoning my  pants and unzipping them. He pushed my hips up and pulled my pants off.

"W-w-w-w-why?" I stuttered.

"Because, I love you Blaine. That's why I wanted you to come to this party with me. I wanted to show you how I felt about you but then you walked off."

"Wait? YOU like ME?"

He chuckled. It was now that I realized this wasn't the same Daniel I knew. This Daniel was territorial and  possessive. The best part is, he was acting like that over me.

"Yes, Blaine.  Now I'm going to make you feel good." He whipped out my cock out and started stroking it. I let out an embarrassing moan. I thought he would mock me but this was a different Daniel.

Eventually we were both naked and rubbing, touching, kissing, and suckling on each other. I kissed Daniel's neck over and over while he lubed me up. I moaned repeatedly as he continuously shoved his finger in and out roughly. The harder he shoved, the rougher I kissed him. I couldn't believe it though. He actually liked me back. The same person I've been lusting over actually liked me back. Some time in the middle of my thinking, I felt Daniel's cock press up against my pucker. I held my breath but tried to relax so it wouldn't hurt anymore than it already was.

"Hmm, someone's a virgin." Daniel whispered huskily. I couldn't answer properly since I was in so much pain. Once the pain subsided, He continuously pounded into me. And we made love all night long.

**THE END** 

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