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Shawn's birthday was today and you were going to throw a surprise birthday party for him. You had your daughter, Ella help you with some birthday decorations. You had his friends from his hometown take him out somewhere so that you could prepare the house for the party. You were finally done with the decorations and food. But then you forgot one thing. Muffins!

You knew that Shawn loved muffins and you had completely forgot to order them. You started pacing around the living room putting your hands on your hips, trying to figure out how to fix this situation. Until you remembered that you could make muffins instead!

"Ella would you like to help mommy bake muffins for daddy?" You asked your daughter.

Her eyes lit up and she nodded her head, "Yes mommy!"

The both of you walked into the kitchen and you immediately got flour, sugar, chocolate chips, milk, eggs, etc. and began placing the ingredients onto the counter. You let Ella crack the eggs and whisk them along with some other ingredients. You preheated the oven and got the muffin cups and tins. After Ella was done stirring the ingredients all together in a bowl, you poured the mixture into the muffin cups then you placed them in the oven. Ella kept glancing into the stove to see how the muffins were doing. About 20 minutes later the muffins were finally done baking.

You got some oven mitts and pulled out the muffins and let them cool down a bit. The doorbell rang and a whole stampede of party guests started pouring into the house. Your phone ringed with a text message.

Ian: Y/N, we are about to let Shawn in the house so get everybody ready

You: Okay sounds good just stall him for 2 more minutes

Ian: Sure thing see you in a few minutes!

With that, you commanded everybody to get in their hiding places. You were standing a couple feet away from the door, everybody was on the floor hiding behind an object. Ella hid behind your body, her arms wrapped around your torso, and her tiny body against your legs. Then the front door slowly opened, you knew that Shawn opened the door, but luckily he didn't notice you. His hand reached for the light switch, and you quietly whispered, "3,2,1 SUPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHAWN!" Followed by everybody screaming happy birthday. Everyone popped out of their hiding places, confetti sprinkled everywhere. The expression on Shawn's face was shocked but also scared.

"Oh my gosh! Y/N, Ella, mom, dad, Aaliyah, everybody thank you so much!" Shawn exclaimed running over to hug his you, his family, and Ella.

Then suddenly Ella told shawn, "Daddy I'm going to be right back, stay here" Shawn stood there, scared of what was going to happen. Ella finally came running back with 2 muffins in her tiny little hands.

"Happy birthday daddy! Me and mommy made you some muffins today" Ella said while handing Shawn both of the muffins.

"Aww thank you princess" Shawn said while taking a bite of the muffin. "It's sooooo good" he said while stuffing his face with the muffins.

"Happy birthday muffin boy" you said chuckling and gave a Shawn a kiss.

A/N: this imagine might be a bit too soon hah. i still can't believe that my lil shawny is becoming 17 in 5 days!!! i can't believe that! I'm going to be answering some of your questions that you asked me on the next update so comment some last minute questions if you have some and I'll answer them. hope you enjoy this imagine. i had lots of fun making this.


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