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"No, no, no." You exclaimed, getting a bit worried. You ran your hand through your hair, frustrated of what you were seeing right before your eyes. It was 2 lines, meaning you were pregnant. But most importantly, you were pregnant with Shawn's baby.

You knew that Shawn wouldn't want a baby at the moment. It would ruin his whole career! Plus, the both of you would receive tons of hate from the fans. You paced around the tiny bathroom with frustration, holding the pregnancy test in your hand. You stopped pacing around. Then you start to have a flashback to the night you lost your virginity.


"Let's have some fun tonight!" Shawn excitedly said. He gestured his hand for you to come to your bedroom.

"I-Im not sure if I want to do this Shawn" you nervously responded. "I'm still a virgin and I don't want to be pregnant" you finally confessed.

"I assure you that everything will go out fine. I will pull out quick, I promise"

*flashback over*

You were overwhelmed with yourself remembering that night. You were filled up with emotions and little voices kept popping up in your head.

"why am i so stupid enough to let a 17 year old boy take away my virginity"

"I'm scared of getting slut shamed"

"how am i going to tell my parents as well as karen and manny?"

"but most importantly, how am i going to tell shawn?"

"is he going to force me into getting an abortion?"

"how am i going to raise this baby all by myself?"

Your thoughts were interrupted by your front door slamming really loud.

"Y/N! I'm home!" You heard Shawn holler.

You quickly froze. You began to cover up your red puffy eyes with some concealer. You took some deep breaths and finally, you opened the bathroom door. You stepped out to see Shawn's wide arms waiting for a hug. You grasped tightly onto the pregnancy test that was in your right hand.

"W-We need to talk. Now." You said in a serious tone. The both of you walked into the living room. You were sitting on one of the chairs while Shawn was sitting on the couch across from you.

"So what's up?" Shawn asked.

You took in a deep breath, "I'm pregnant."

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