Chapter 1

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I observed the little bluenette from the corner of my eye as she took notes. I was going to get her to be mine. I smirked as I thought of ways to ask her out. I pondered over the thought, and before I knew it, the bell rang signifying the end of class. I got up and walked coolly out of the room, girls fawning over me as I went down the halls of Fairy Tail High.

I popped my locker open and combed through my spiky dark purple hair, that does look black, but it's not, and checked to see if I had any food stuck in my teeth. My teeth glinted a pearly white and I walked out of the school.

I saw the little bluenette, Wendy Marvell walking out of the school and I walked towards my current 'girlfriend'. "Hello Romeo!" She said beaming brightly and I placed a hard expression on my face. "Look, Chelia. I'm sorry, but I'm breaking up with you." He said and her smile dropped and she tried to contain tears. She turned away and ran holding back her tears as I watched her retreating figure.

I approached the little bluenette. I had never felt like this for anyone before. I felt as though it was right to ask her out, but obviously it wouldn't last long and I would add her to my collection of broken hearts.

"Hey, Wendy." I said and she turned around and her soft face hardened. "I was wondering if you would go out with me." I asked full of confidence. "No." She said bored. "Great... Wait what?!" No one has ever rejected me like that before! This was an insult! "Why?" I asked getting angry. "Because, you're not my type. You play around with girls' feelings, you break their hearts and you enjoy it. You were previously dating my best friend, Chelia. I tried to warn her, but she fell for your charms. I will not." She said angrily glaring at me.

Is this what it felt like to be rejected? I was angry, but thought that capturing her heart would be a good challenge. "Well, I will get you, and you will fall for my charms sooner or later." I said storming off.

Wendy POV

The nerve of that guy! He's such a jerk! All he does is break girls hearts and goes off to find the next one to break. I will absolutely, positively not fall for that imbecile. Not in a thousand years, not ever. I returned home angry, which was not normal for me. I was usually happy, but people like him, they aggravate me.

I plopped onto my bed and took out my phone from my bag. I texted Chelia to see if she was alright.

[Wendy: Hey Chel. How are you doing?]

[Chelia: Not good. Romeo just broke up with me! Did I do something wrong?]

I felt really bad for my best friend, knowing that I was probably the cause of the break up.

[Wendy: I know. He asked me out at school earlier.]

I frowned while I pressed the send button. As much as I didn't want her to know, she couldn't be kept in the dark about that. She would find out sooner or later anyways.

[Chelia: DID YOU ACCEPT?!!!]

[Wendy: No way! I could never betray you like that! And plus, I hate him.]

[Chelia: Also because you have your crush on that guy.]

I could feel my face heat up and I wrote lightning fast. I could feel her smirk right now.

[Wendy: Cheeelllll! Don't tease me and stop smirking!]

[Chelia: Whoahhhh.... You are like psychic! And I know... I know....]

[Wendy: I got to go. Bye Chel! See you at school tomorrow!]

And with that I closed my phone and went down to eat dinner.

My First Kiss Is With The Boy I Hate (RoWen)Where stories live. Discover now