Chapter 6

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I still went to school, and I didn't even talk to Chelia that much anymore. Every lunch I would eat what little I had, and I was grateful for, that way I wouldn't starve, and after that I was always on the roof of the school, and cried. Soon I ran out of tears, and I was amazed at how quickly tears could wear out.

After a usual, lonely day of school, I was on my way back to the home, and I saw something in the front of the doors. As I approached it, I saw that it was my brother, a bloody mess, lying on the snowy concrete ground.

I screamed not even realizing that I was until my throat felt sore. My hand was over my mouth and I fell to the ground, which I have been doing a lot, onto the ground beside him. He was still breathing, but barely. I stroked his hair that clung to his head, mostly because of lack of wash and because of the blood. His cherry-blossom pink hair was like a red-magenta, and I noticed that there was a piece of paper attached to a small dagger that was plunged into his arm. I wanted to scream, but my throat was so raw from my previous screaming fit, that no sound came out.

I unrolled the paper and fear shot through me as I read it.

You're next, Wendy.


My hands shook violently, and soon the police and ambulances arrived taking Natsu to the hospital.


Yeah, another typical day of school is over. This time, however I was worried about my brother more than before, He had a large head injury, and he will probably be in a coma, if he's lucky.

I couldn't get the message that was attached to the dagger out of my mind. I had ripped it off so the police wouldn't find it, and I had no idea why.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I hear masked footsteps behind me. I turned my head just a centimetre and I saw about... three men, wearing sunglasses and I caught on that each of them had a dagger hidden beneath their shirts. They started getting closer and I made a break for it, knocking on the closest door of a house.

The door opened and I was shocked to see the person I least expected to see. Romeo.


I heard pondering knocks on the door and I was sitting on the couch watching TV. "Romeo! Get the door!" My father, Macao called from the kitchen and I sighed in frustration as I got up and slowly made my way to the door. I was wearing a black long sleeved shirt and just some jeans. I opened the door and my jaw almost dropped and my eyes widened in disbelief.

There I saw Wendy, frantic and panting, outside my door. She seemed to recognise me and her eyes widened slightly. She looked behind her and I saw three men stalking up the driveway. I looked at her with a questionable gaze.

She seemed to notice the men and her expression started panicking. She looked at me with pleading eyes and I made way for her to enter closing and locking the door behind me. Wendy was breathing heavily, and her eyes started to water slightly and she blinked rapidly many times.

"Wendy, what's going on?" I asked her full of concern. Tears resurfaced and she tried to blink them away. "Natsu... We lost the house... Natsu hurt... Me in home..." She started blabbering about many different things. "Whoa, Wendy, slow down." I said softly and she nodded.

My dad chose that time to come out of wherever he was, and he looked at me with a smirk. I blushed and shook my hands in front of me. His eyes went to Wendy, who was a mess and he looked confused now.

He looked at me and I shrugged not knowing what was going on either.

He led Wendy into the living room and sat her down on the couch. Dad and I sat in chairs. "What's your name dear?" He asked and she looked at him. "Wendy." She said softly. "What happened dear?" He asked and Wendy's eyes tiered up... again.

"After my parents' disappeared, their car was found and it was damaged really badly, but there was no sign of them. After that we started losing money quickly. My brother Natsu and I, we worked but it wasn't enough. He quit college to help pay for the house. After that our house went into mortgage, and we had to leave. He didn't want me to starve and freeze, so he brought me to this home that takes in young adults and children like me. Natsu was too old. And just yesterday, Natsu was found... in front of the home, beat up and losing a lot of blood. There was a dagger in his arm and a note was attached. It said that I was next. Today when I was coming back from school, three men started following me. After I caught on that they had weapons on them I ran... That's how I ended up here." She said sadly sniffling.

I felt my heart be broken in two, ripped out of my chest, glued back together, put it back in my chest, and then it broke in two again.

Wendy didn't do anything to deserve what she was living. I could tell that my father felt bad for her as well.

"I'm sorry to hear that dear. I'm Macao, and this is my son, Romeo." He said pointing to me and I almost rolled my eyes at his denseness. "Dad, Wendy and I go to the same school." I said and he looked like he had just realized something, which he practically did.

"Ooohhhh..." He muttered and I shook my head at him. Wendy looked at the ground again. "I'll go see if those Whinnies are still out there." He said walking towards a small window and looking through it. "They're still there, but they are trying to hide. I only caught one of their boots sticking out from behind a tree across the road."

I felt as though I needed to protect Wendy with my whole being.

I guess that's what they call love. I would NEVER EVER tell my father these feelings unless I was in a relationship with her... but we all know that is never going to happen. She hates me. I sighed inwardly to myself.

I couldn't think about her hating me right now! She's in trouble and I need to help her!

Wendy looked so kind and timid, it kind of looked familiar. That would be impossible. I didn't know Wendy, and right when I met her she already hated me. I don't know why though... And me going out with her friend then dumping her and asking her out. Man, I sound like such a bad person... I guess I am... But I have my reasons too.



I sat on the couch looking down at the ground not making eye contact with Romeo or his father as I told my story. Romeo looked sincerely worried, but I know that that's not real. Well, at least I think that it's not real... I wanted to shake my head to get rid of the thoughts, but I didn't want to seem rude. Since when do I care about being rude in front of the boy that I HATE THE MOST? Well, maybe it has something to do with the fact that my life is in danger and that his father is there. Yeah, that's it...


It was very nice of Macao to let me stay at his home until those goons are gone. I felt kind of strange... I felt strange being in HIS house. It just felt weird.

There was a guest room and that's where I am currently seated, in front of the vanity in the room. The room was surprisingly girly, considering that there were only two men in the house.

The walls were covered in pink wallpaper with hot pink flowers placed onto them, there was a small crystal chandelier hanging from the center of the room, there was a purple vanity, the bed sheets were covered with pink flowers over a purple back round. I'm actually gaping at the room before me. It's so lovely and well done.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My long dark blue hair, my innocent looking brown eyes, my fair skin... My mind drifted to Romeo, and I got angry but I felt butterflies in my stomach.

I hate him, but I felt l something inside my heart. I shook my head to get the thought out, but it only made it stronger. What the heck?! I couldn't get the thought out! It was going to drive me insane, I just know it!

I heard a knock on the door and Romeo was standing at the doorway. "My dad made supper." He said and I pondered over the thought for a minute. I was hungry, but I didn't know if I wanted to eat with him. "Okay." I said and got up from the chair and made my way to the doorway.

We walked in silence down the hallway, and I wanted to say something, but I had no idea what to say. I was happy with the silence I guess.


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