Chapter 5

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Days had passed since Natsu told me about the news. I felt gloomier and Chelia had no idea what was going on. It was after school and I was walking outside.

Looking at my feet, I didn't even notice that I had tripped and bumped into someone. Startled as I fell, I saw Romeo's face inches from mine. Only then I realized that my lips were pressed onto his. He was blushing like a tomato and I quickly hauled myself up and dusting off my skirt.

That was my first kiss... He stole it away from me... I guess it's my fault. MY FIRST KISS WAS WITH THE BOY I HATE?!

I held out my hand to him despite myself, and he took it lifting himself up. "I'm sorry." I mumbled. My heart was beating like the fastest race horse, and my stomach felt like there were butterflies in them.

What is this? This feeling? I saw Romeo trying to suppress a smile, but a small one overpowered him.

I turned around and continued walking home. Once I had reached my house, I saw Natsu standing in front of the door his bangs covering his eyes.

"Natsu, are you alright?" I asked walking up to him. "Yeah." He said. "How about we go take a walk? We haven't taken one in a long time." He said not looking at me. I felt uncertainty dwell up inside me, but I agreed. "Okay." I said and we started walking beside him.

We walked for a long distance, in silence, and suddenly we were in front of a building. "Natsu, are you sure you're alright?" I said and he hugged me. "Let's go inside. I have a friend waiting." He said and I followed him in despite the feeling that I was feeling. My mind was telling me to leave this place, where something bad was going to happen.

There stood an old lady and a few young adults. "I'm sorry, Wendy." I heard him whisper and my eyes widened in shock. No! Nonononono! This was the place that he was talking about. "Natsu...?" I said in disbelief as he hugged me and started walking out the doors. "NATSU!" I screamed running after him.

He was already outside and I clutched onto his shirt. "Don't leave me... please..." I begged but he didn't respond. He only stood there. I felt strong hand grab my tiny arms and pull me back. "NO!" I screamed causing a scene. People that passed by looked at us with strange gazes.

""DON'T LEAVE ME!" I shouted and I continued to hold onto his shirt. "Wendy, please..." He said so softly I barely heard him. "NO!" I shouted as I was restrained and I was forced to let go of Natsu's shirt.

Tears fell from my eyes and I stared at Natsu in disbelief. "NATSU!" I screamed flowing down my cheeks. He had his back to me and no matter how hard I screamed, how loud I begged, he didn't turn around. "DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE! YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE I HAVE LEFT!" I shouted not caring how much attraction I was pulling to myself. I fought against the grips that were holding me, but nothing seemed to work. "NATSU!" I shouted in agony, pure pain sprawled across my face. I'm alone now... All alone.

Soon his figure was out of sight and I fell to the ground, and I screamed in pure agony. Tears flowed down my cheeks and I ripped my arms free from who was holding me.

No words could describe how betrayed I felt, how sad I felt, how lonely I felt.

I just lost my entire family in the blink of a month.

"No... NO!" I said getting dragged into the house.


You have no idea how hard; it was, for me to lie to her to bring her to that house. It made it even harder when she wouldn't go in willingly. I walked into an alleyway and I broke down. I had to do it... For Wendy. I didn't want to leave her behind in that home. But I couldn't be selfish and let her suffer out here. At least she would get fed, she would get clean there.

Tears fell from my eyes and I curled up into a tight ball leaning against the wall. I hated what had happened in the dawn of a month. Only a month and my whole life was destroyed.

I sobbed silently to myself in the dark alleyway. I sat behind a dumpster, cold crawling over me.

(A/N: I know, I know, me and my depressing RoWen stories...)

My First Kiss Is With The Boy I Hate (RoWen)Where stories live. Discover now