Chapter 10

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Romeo and Wendy walked to a restaurant that he thought that she might like and Wendy looked a little bit frightened being outside after a threatening message and being chassed by three men that she has no idea what the identities of them are.

Romeo understood her. He understood that she would be a little on edge for a while, but who wouldn't be?

A waitress sat them in a booth near the large window of the restaurant. They looked at the menu, and so far they haven't really talked. "Wendy, you look... beautiful." He said making Wendy look up at him and blush. "Th-Thank you, Romeo." She said feeling content and embarrassed that he complimented her.

"Are you ready to order or would you like to wait a little but?" A waitress said in a voice that was all too familiar to Wendy. She looked up and saw Laki with a grin on her face. "Laki?" She said in astonishment. Romeo looked at her saying that he hadn't really chosen what to eat yet, and she hadn't either. "Um, we'll wait a little longer." She said and Laki nodded. "Would you like something to drink?" She asked and Wendy thought for a moment. "Water will be fine for me." She said and Romeo ordered the same thing.

Laki left, but not before she discreetly winked at Wendy whose face was a flaming tomato. She forced the blush away before Romeo could see it.

Wendy was getting tired of the deafening silence that the atmosphere held, and she wanted to talk about something. Anything.

Their waitress, Laki came back, putting their water glasses on their table and walking away without a word.

A few minutes later Laki came back holding her not pad in her hand. "Are you ready to order now?" She asked politely and Wendy knew what she was getting. "Yes, I'll have the spaghetti, without the meatballs and with parmesan cheese." She ordered looking off of the menu at the end of her sentence. Laki nodded scribbling something on her note pad. "And I'll have the hamburger with fries." Romeo said placing the menu on the table and Laki wrote down his order her pen making soft sounds as it hit the paper. "Will that be all?" She asked and the two nodded and with that she walked away to place the order.

The two talked about the big tests coming up, and about ten minutes after their food was placed on their tables.

They started eating and Wendy had just remembered something. She stopped eating and her body fell still. She was thinking about her brother and how he was in the hospital, and she had no idea if he was awake and if he had already left. "Hey, Wendy you okay?" Romeo asked and Wendy nodded snapping back into reality. "Yeah. I'm fine. I was just thinking about Natsu." She admitted and he nodded. They ate in content silence, and they left the restaurant at about nine in the night.

Romeo walked her home and Wendy was still a little anxious about going outside in broad darkness. "I really had a great time Wendy. Maybe we could do it again?" He said blushing slightly. Wendy thought that he was adorable when he was blushing and for once she didn't push the feelings away and accepted them.

"Yeah. We should. See you tomorrow." Wendy said smiling at him and walking to the door turning back to see Romeo starring at her. She blushed lightly, smiled then walked into the house getting ready to go to bed.

Once she got into her room, she sat on her bed and smiled to herself replaying the events of the day in her head. "So, how was it?" A cold and hateful voice resounded throughout the room making Wendy turned around to see Lidia leaning on the doorframe. Wendy hadn't even seen her come into the room.

Wendy stayed silent not knowing what to say to the girl. Lidia glared daggers at the petite 17 year old and huffed storming out of the room. Tears began to prick her eyes, and she changed into her normal clothing going out for a walk. She ran out of the apartment like building, tears in her eyes.

She had considered Lidia her friend, and then she became her enemy for some reason. The only light making her able to see the road was the street lights and the head lights of occasionally passing cars.

Tears streamed down her face as she ran to who knows where when someone grabbed her wrist jerking her to a stop. She froze and turned head to see the three men that were chasing her before she went to Romeo's house that day when he told her his story.

They had angry faces on. "You, you little brat got us in trouble with the boss! Now you're gonna pay! We were gonna make your death quick and painful, but now we're going to enjoy torturing you until you finally give in to death." One of them said squeezing her arm and she heard it crack. Her instincts controlled her and her scream ripped through the air of the night. She had no idea where she was, and the place where she was looked deserted. He then punched her in the stomach knocking all of the air out from her lungs and she fell to the floor. She felt something hard on her legs and she presumed it was wood.

She curled up into a tight ball, more tears stinging at her eyes. This was the end. She would die there in that pathetic state, never able to love Romeo for more than a day.

The pain was unbearable and she held on tightly to her life force not wanting to die. The thought of letting go crossed her mind then all the pain would end, but she would cause more pain to the ones that she loved. She was lifted up by the collar and she blinked, then she saw something shiny in the one holding her hands. It was a knifed. He dragged it down her arm making her flinch as blood soaked her sleeves but she couldn't care less. As long as she stayed alive.

"Well, I think she's too roughed up to be of anymore fun. I'll end her life slowly." He said raising the dagger ready to strike her so her life would end. She closed her eyes waiting for death to take her in. When nothing came she felt confused. Was she dead already? "What do you think you're doing?" She heard a voice say and she weakly opened her eyes seeing the knife inches away from her heart, being restrained by something. Or someone.

A blurry figure was holding onto the man's arm, and then, everything went dark. (A/N: I know what you're thinking, what is up with Wendy and getting attacked? I don't know myself.)

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