Chapter 9

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I woke up to sun streaming down on my face, and I squinted, shielding my eyes from the roaring sun. I sat up, rubbed my eyes, got out of bed, and then something hit me. I shouldn't be here anymore! Those men probably gave up on me. Oh, I have to go! I must go!

I quickly went out of the room, wearing my clothes and my hair done nicely in two high pigtails on the side.

Macao was sitting in the living room reading the newspaper. This was going to be awkward, and I didn't want to sound rude or anything. He put down his paper and looked up at me. "Are you ready to go home, Wendy?" He asked as if reading my thoughts. I nodded and he got up. "I'll take you to the housing home." He said and walked to the door with my trailing behind.

I was a little sad to go back to that horrid place, and thank goodness that the school shut down because of electric shortage for about a week. It should be open tomorrow though.

After five minutes of driving, I got out of the car, thanking Macao before heading into the home.

"Wendy! Oh Wendy dear! I was worried sick about you! Thank goodness that you're alright!" A short and round woman exclaimed as she saw me walking in the 'home'. I sighed, walking up to the room that I was sharing with a few other girls. She wasn't really worried about me; she just cares about the money that taking care of me. She's just a woman who loves money and would do anything for it, let it be a lie or a trick.

"So, where've you been Wendy? You ran away and they caught you?" A girl with long dark hair and side bangs that covered her eyes on one side said looking at her with bored eyes. "No Lidia. I was chassed by these men that hurt my brother, and someone was kind enough to let me stay for the time being until it was safe." I replied and she rolled her eyes, looking like she didn't believe me. "I'm sure that she's telling the truth Lids." Another girl with light purple hair and glasses said. "So, how have you been Laki?" I turned towards my friend, which also goes to my school.

The purplette smiled sweetly at me and shrugged. "Same old thing here." She chuckled and I giggled along with her. I sat on my bed and decided to sort through my feelings. I need advice. "Laki, have you ever hated someone, and after you start being unsure about it and you feel nervous around that person?" I asked and she looked at me and tilted her head. "Well, not really. But I think that in that scenario, the girl, I'm guessing, had a crush on the guy, guessing again, but didn't have the will to forgive that guy for something that he did in the past. But like I say, the past is in the past and you can't change it. Why'd you ask so suddenly?" She asked and I felt my cheeks flush so I looked out the window.

"I don't know, it just popped into my mind." I lied. "You aren't a very good liar. You know that, right?" Laki said and I turned my head to look at her, and she's now right in front of me sitting right in front of me, on my bed.

"Come on Wen, I know that you have a crush on someone. Why don't you tell me and maybe I can help?" She said nudging me while she wiggled her light purple eyebrows.

"No... I don't like anybody, I don't think, and I just needed some advice because I'm pretty confused." I replied, and this time it was no lie. She sighed and sat on her bed. "All righty then. It's getting late. I think that you should rest." Laki said before turning off her lamp beside her dresser and I fell onto the soft pillow and fell asleep.

I woke up, feeling refreshed and energized. I looked around and saw that most of the other girls were sleeping except for Laki and Lidia.

I feel kind of sleepy, but I got to my feet and went towards the washroom, that all of us girls have to share. "Is anyone in there?" I asked, my voice tired. "No. We're the only ones awake." Laki replied while Lidia stayed silent.

My First Kiss Is With The Boy I Hate (RoWen)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя