Crossed Fate 5

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Copyright 2013 ©CherrieBMiles

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Lilith POV

"I'm sorry okay?!" - Tears felt for her beautiful brown eyes. They showed guilty and so much sadness. "I didn't mean to say what I did. Yes! I was thinking of you...okay?" - She almost yelled at me, but not to yo'all understand what I'm trying to say?!

"I...I think that...that..."

"WHAT?" - if you didn't get it yet but I'm really impatient when it comes to Lauren. When I looked up again from my outburst she was crying even more.


Did you ever love someone so much that you couldn't even say something when that "someone" told ya' that she/he loved you; you can't think straight, you can't even make your words. That's how I feel!

I just stayed there looking at her with my eyes opened wide... she just said she loved ME? It's so confusing. I like her! I never said I loved I?

"Can ya' at least look at me? Say something?" -I heard her voice. It was sad and at the same time distressed. I looked up and she was there, sittin' in the feet of my bed, looking up at me with her sad brown eyes. Her face was flushed and rests of tears where still there. Her eyes were glowing from sadness, happiness and love? I couldn't express what I was feeling in that exact moment. Everything felt so good.

"I'm sorry!" - She said again. "I knew you couldn't feel the same way 'bout me!"

She got up and went to the door running...

"WAIT!" - I yelled at her. She stopped at the other side of the door. She turned around and looked at me with teary eyes...

"I like you to! I love you LaurBear..."

In that moment, everything felt right. Every little word. Every little tear. Every little touch when she came to me. She was standing in front of me. I was in the middle of the bedroom and she was there. Looking like a falling angel looking so insecure and so little, even if she is three inches shorter than me. I love that about her. I love the way her wavy brown heir falls on her shoulders. The way her tan skin makes her perfect body, even more perfect.

She was there, just looking into my eyes. And then there was me...looking at her beautiful face. She hugged my waist trying to get me closer to her. Not even a paper sheet could pass between us. I could feel her breath on my lips; making me look at her lips... they're full pink lips. Just kissable!

My hands found their way to her neck, taking strands of her hair in my fingers... We were so close right now. The way our foreheads touched each other was like magic. The way she gave me an Eskimo kiss, was just so but so cute. I got even closer to her, if it was even possible and... Our lips touched. Without going back, Lauren gave me a wet kiss, and because I couldn't waste this amazing kiss, opened my mouth and let her tongue come to mine. The passionate way that we were kissing was amazing. I couldn't think about any other thing than, be here with my LaurBear and kiss her, like there was no tomorrow! I love her and I'll fight for us, even if that means that I have to go against the people I love. I Love Lauren and I can't let her go.

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