Crossed Fate 9

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Copyright 2013 ©CherrieBMiles

 Lilith POV:

I can't believe that the summer it's over! Everything was going perfectly fine and now I've to go back to England and leave Lauren and every little moment in California behind. I know that what I wanted to do when I got here was leave, but now... I just want to stay. Stay close to Lauren, so I can hug her, kiss her and tell her how much I love her!

The ride till the airport was a massive torture! The only good thing was when Lauren and I held hands the entire ride there. It calmed me down. Christina and little Nick came with us. I knew that goodbyes were going to be difficult but not as difficult as mine and little Nick. He wouldn't let go of me and that made that my time for saying bye to Lauren shorter. I wasn't angry with him because I knew that he would miss me and he needed that hug to remember me! And that made me ask myself if they would remember me... would they remember all that times we had fun on the beach; all that Sunday night barbecues? Would they remember me at all?

I still remember what Lauren told me when we hugged. "Everything is going to be okay! We're going to see each other again... I promise you that! I'll never forget you and I really hope that you'll never forget me either!" She even cried and that made me cry. "I love you, Lilith. Remember that! I'll always love you!"

That was the saddest part of it.  Of course that I said I Love you back! And I meant it!

The fact that she would always call me when I'd wake up was my energy pill for the day. I didn't smile often and I'm sure as hell that I never did smile. My mum was a little suspicious about my behaving... she never thought that I would like California so much, and neither did I.

I have been watching all of Cimorelli videos, just to see Lauren. We try to Skype each other but it's really difficult because of the time differences, so we make videos of us talking and doing normal stuff and send to each other, always with a different love message in the end. She sent me one yesterday, and I decided to record mine today... getting the video camera on and connected to my computer. I got in my bed, in a sitting position and facing the camera...

"Beautiful..." I said with a dreaming voice. "It's so good to hear your voice every time you send me one of these videos! The way you talk to a camera so naturally knowing that soon I'll see it all!" I told 'her' with a laugh.  "You make me really happy! I guess I didn't think that being on California for all those three months would change so many things in my life... never thought that meeting you would turn out into something this big! ...never..."

I couldn't help but let tears of happiness and sadness at the same time, fall. Everything I didn't tell her in the other videos, I was telling her now... in this one...

"I never thought that being so far away from you would be this hard! Knowing that you on the other side of the globe is a massive torture... and I can't take it! I fucking need you, Lauren! I FUCKING NEED YOU!" I just lost my mind... I couldn't take it anymore... I need her, so fucking muck! I can't take the fact that when I find someone that really likes me, for me, is take away from me... I just can't.

"I love you, so much, Lauren. I love you so much!" I was full sobbing now. I couldn't see anything... it was all blurry because of the tears. "I love you, and I need you Lauren! I really do..." 

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