Chapter 4-Urges

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Chapter 4-Urges

All the days were beginning to blend into one, whenever I tried to talk to him he would just change the subject or walk away or just pretend that I didn't exist. I really needed to talk to him, I was going insane. I just wanted to talk to him even if it was just for a minute a second. I needed to find a way to get his attention but I couldn't possibly think of what to do.

I groaned and threw myself even deeper into the sanctuary of my beautiful bed. I wanted to stay here and hide out all day. I had been purposely missing days of school. Just so I could avoid him avoiding me. It hurt seeing him and not being able to talk to him. I needed to explain this to him. I know I over stepped the mark but I just thought that maybe...after all those sweet things he was saying to me. I thought it was a sign, I thought it was his way of telling me that he was interested in me but I guess I was wrong. It was all just wishful thinking.

I flipped onto my back and looked at my phone. Scrolling through my phone book and stopping at his name "Jake" I wanted to call him. Maybe he will answer this time I thought. There is a small chance he will; I might as well give it a try.

My finger hovered over his name for a while. Internally debating whether to press call or not. My finger seemed to have a mind of its own.

"Hello" Jake's voice rang through the phone. Sending a wave of warmth through my body.

"Hello? Rainie" he said

"Listen Jake we have to talk, please can you meet me at my house. Everyone is out!"

"Fine" was the only thing he said to me before he hung up.


I could hear the gentle tapping of his fists against my bedroom door. The door swung open to reveal his face "Jake". He slowly walked into my room, step by step; he was getting closer to me. I was trying hard to keep my breathing under control. Before I knew it he was right in front of my face. He was nearly as close as he was that day. I could see all of him perfectly, even the hypnotic rhythm of his chest moving as he breathed. He looked beautiful, so beautiful that I just wanted to reach out and touch his face but I knew I shouldn't, it would be the wrong thing to do again. It would be another mistake I told myself but I couldn't help it I really wanted to touch him.

"We need to talk about what happened don't we." I managed to choke out.

"I think we do, Rainie what happened was wrong"

"What about this is didn't feel wrong!"

"Rainie I'm 37 and you're a child"

"If I'm such a child then why did you kiss me?"


"That was a mistake it should never have happened. Rainie I'm sorry...I should have pushed you away. I shouldn't have taken advantage of you like that. You were feeling vulnerable and I shouldn't have done that"


"But you still did! Why didn't you push me away?"


"I'm your uncle, and I'm married to faith your aunty Rainie. Whatever you think will or has happened between us didn't. It can't and it never will, you have to understand that. You can't tell anyone what we did; even if you do I'll only deny it because it never happened ok? I'm serious Rainie!"

I stood there completely dumbfounded. Did he really just say that...?

"You kissed me back! If you didn't want me you wouldn't have kissed me back" I whaled while trying to supress the tears that were trying to escape my eyes. I didn't want him to see me cry. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction; I didn't want him to see the effect his words really had on me. My vision was beginning to blur and I couldn't stop them, the disobedient tears began to roll down my cheeks. Flowing out of my eyes like a river.

Before my mind could register what was happening. I was back on my bed crushed in between a bunch of fluffy pillows struggling to breathe. My arms tightly wrapped around his neck pulling him closer, but no matter how close he was he was never close enough. I pulled him closer; close enough so that he was on top of me. I could feel his skin touching mine but I wanted to feel every inch of him, every part of him. He traced his thumb down my neck laying little kisses everywhere he touched. Getting lower and lower each time, my skin was tingling, it was on fire. It felt so good, he felt so good. He slowly began unbuttoning my shirt but kept his hands above my waist only touching the skin on my back and nowhere else but it still felt like pure magic.

But once again it was over too quickly

But this time it was me that broke the kiss

We both sat on my bed breathless

"Rainie" my mum's voice rang from downstairs

"Are you home...Rainie" she yelled...  

Well here is chapter 4, thanks for reading if you've read this far. Let me know what you think in the comments and vote if you liked it :)

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