Chapter 7-Nightmare

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Chapter 7-Nightmare

"I have always loved you" he whispered. His words engulfing me. His fingers tracing down the pattern of my spine. his voice sounding so familiar. but no matter how hard I tried to dig through my memory to match that voice to a face. The further it began to fade away. Each time I thought I figured it out. He would whisper my name. His seductive voice pulling me into a trance.

'Rainie' he said. His touch causing my skin to catch alight. His voice soothing the immense ache I was feeling when his fingers left my skin. Leaving me feeling naked without his touch. I'm looking at him but I can't see his face. The closer I try to get the more he seems to disappear. Just as I reach out to touch him,he's gone like a puff of smoke.

He's back again,kissing me. More urgently this time. As he pins me against the bed. Taking things to the next level. As he takes off his shirt and slowly begins to unzip his trousers. Then he removes my clothes. "Jake" I whisper. Everything feels perfect,I'm finally with him but not for long.

As my bedroom door flies open, in storms my mother accompanied by my aunty. Their faces painted with a look of disgust. My aunty's piercing cries fill the room. “How could you do this to me? seducing my poor defenseless husband. You bitch”. she screams. As her hand connects with my face. leaving a bright red mark as a reminder of my sins. My mother just stands there silently never meeting my gaze.

As quickly as they came they are replaced with a few dozen policemen.

"Jacob Long i'm arresting you on suspicion of being sexually active with a minor. Conducting an inappropriate sexual relationship with a student. As well as abusing your position of trust as a teacher. Lastly having an incestuous relationship with your niece."

"You have the right to remain silent but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you say may be given in evidence"

"Jake" I scream but to no avail

He looks up at me. This is the first time I could finally see his face. His eyes were cold and distance.

"This is all your fault,if only you hadn't seduced me"

As they began to drag him away. All I can do is scream his name. Hoping he would return. That they would tell me this was all a mistake.

but it wasn't, his words still rang in my head. "It's all your fault if only you hadn't seduced me"


"Could the members of the jury please rise."

"How do you find the defendant on charges of taking part in a sexual relationship with a minor?"


"How do you find the defendant on charges of having an inappropriate relationship with a student thus abusing his position of power"


"How do you find the defendant on having an incestuous relationship with his niece?"


"We sentence him to death by lethal injection. He will remain in Hallows Prison until further notice"

"Take the sick bastard away"

"Jake..Jake I'm so sorry. Jake please I didn't mean for this to happen"

"But it was no use they couldn't see me. They couldn't hear me"


"We are gathered here today. To say goodbye to a man who was once great,but was led down the path of sin. The road to hell,where he made a deal with the devil in the form of a siren. Where she stole his soul and then led him to his death,in the name of 'love'. Now he has to pay for all his sins in the fiery pits of hell. May god have mercy on his soul"

The priest turned to me.

“When will you pay for yours? ”

A blood chilling smile spread across his face as he produced a long gleaming knife. Sacrifice my dear child. You have the devil inside you.

I opened my mouth as if to scream but no sound came out. Nor could I run as my feet were rooted to the spot. As he plunged the knife into me. I was overtaken by pure darkness.

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