Chapter 1-Mundane Days

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Chapter 1-Mundane Days

"Mum" I screamed down the stairs, "don't make me go to school please! You know I hate school."

I could hear my mother's footsteps as she approached the knob of my bedroom door. "Get out of bed now. You don't want to be late on your first day back now do you and you already know that I can't take you or your brother to school because I have to work an early shift at the hospital today. I am already working the night shift as well, so I have left some money on the side buy take out tonight love and don't wait up". She gave me a quick peck on the cheek and ran out of my bedroom door before I could argue again about how much I didn't feel like going to school, but I could still hear her downstairs in the kitchen the sound of clattering dishes floating up to my room.

"I might as well get up, maybe I will even be able to plea my case some more" I thought to myself.

"I left money on the side. Order take out tonight I'm working the nightshift. Make sure your brother does his homework" she wailed up the stairs.

"Yes mum, I know you already said that! But please...Please...Please don't make me go to school" I sighed

"Just making sure you don't forget hunnie and you have to go to school it's not up for discussion" she chimed

"But mum" I ran down the stairs ready to leap in front of her before she opened the front door.

"Ahh Before I forget" she said as she turned around to face me. "Your uncle is coming to drop you to school remember it's his first day working there. So be nice and show him around. Help him out a bit ok?"

"Yeah okay" I mumbled feeling defeated. Sadly I knew I would have to go to school today.

"See you later hunnie." she gently kissed my forehead and with that she scurried out of the front door mumbling something about how she was going to be late.

10 minutes later I heard the soft rumble of my uncle's engine as he stopped the car outside my house and honked the horn 3 times.

I quickly checked my reflection making sure my makeup was ok before I left the house, closing the front door behind me and throwing my school bag over my shoulder.

As I walked towards the car I knew my choice of clothing today was a bad idea. The skirt was a tad too short and what material there was was flying around in the wind obviously making an attempt to escape. Not only that but these shoes were slightly too high, I could barely walk in them. I had to take short strides to steady myself every once in a while.

The closer I got to the car the clearer his facial expression became. He was obviously annoyed by how long it took me to finally make it to his car. It wasn't my fault these shoes were really killing me. I can't believe I have to spend a whole day in these. I rolled my eyes.

"What took you so long we're going to be late" he said obviously annoyed at the situation.

I opened the door to his black Honda civic and slipped into the front seat. The cold leather cooled my warm skin. I quickly buckled up my seatbelt and relaxed into the cool chair.

"Don't worry too much Jake" I sent him a sweet smile

He always seemed more like a friend to me then an uncle, so I never felt the need to call him uncle and he never seemed like he had a problem with it. I had always felt like I could talk to him about almost anything. Except for one thing I thought. One thing I could never say aloud.

He grinned back at me.

"Easy for you to say Rainie it's my first day. I want to make a good first impression." he sighed

"And you will! Relax a little. Everything will be fine."

"I really hope so" he said

"Enough about me he said how does it feel to be a senior in your last year before you start college in the fall" he gave me a questioning look.

"Good I guess I can't wait to finally leave that school. It's been driving me insane coming back to this hell hole every year for the last four years."

"You'll realise soon that high school is the best days of your life. You'll regret wanting to leave once you have entered the real world"

I rolled my eyes again, I doubt it I thought.

The journey to school seemed quick as we dived into small talk about the classes I would be taking this semester and the classes he would be teaching. Turns out he would be my chemistry teacher this year. Maybe I would stand a chance of passing chemistry this semester unlike all the previous ones.

As we rounded the corner to school I told him to let me out I didn't want people knowing that my uncle was going to be a teacher at school. They would make assumptions that I would be getting some sort of special treatment. I really didn't want any trouble this year. I just wanted everything to run smoothly.

I should have known that was too much to ask for.


I was getting my books for first period out of my locker when I saw my best friend Callum walking in my direction he was all smiles.

"Hey Rainie" he smiled pulling me into a bear hug

"Hey Callum" I smiled back at him as he released me from the hug

"Have you seen the new chemistry teacher he squeaked? Don't you think he looks majorly hot? So lush he said while fanning himself, I'd sure love to cut that cake"

I began to laugh

Callum looked down at me with a confused face. "What's so funny" he whined

"The new chemistry teacher is my uncle"

I watched with amusement as his face turnt a bright shade of red. Oh he squeaked

"It's fine" I said between gasps of laughter. Don't worry, I will tell him that you think he is hot!

"Rainie" he whined

"Don't worry I wont" I winked at him then made my way to 1st period. Ugh I had chemistry.


Important: This chapter is a warm up chapter! it gets better,I promise.

comment and tell me what you think.


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