Chapter 9-honesty

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Jake's POV

As I rounded the corner I saw her there,waiting for me. Her eyes full of nothing but questions and plain accusations. But, I pretended not to see.

Keep looking straight ahead I kept murmuring to myself. Otherwise you may come undone, if you look at her, then it will only make it harder. If you look at her then you will falter and everything will be in vain. All the bridges you are trying so hard to mend will go up in flames, again.

Wasn't this all part of your elaborate plan?
Keep your distance in hope that she will come and find you? Once she finds you, you can show her that you aren't the man she thought you were. That this was all a facade, that this meant nothing to you, that she meant nothing to you. Merely just a way to past time, merely just another way to satisfy the craving you have for something new and exciting.

Ensure that she sees you with another girl, another naive girl just like her. Then she would definitely assume that you were just using her, that she is only one of many, nothing special. Then hopefully she will give up on you, on us. Then I can also put my feelings for her to rest and continue being the uncle I should be. Continue to love my wife like I should but can't.

I can feel her eyes follow me as I walk out the door and to the car. I can only imagine the hurt on her face when she realises I am not alone, that I'm with someone else, another girl. While she was missing me wishing that I would just come back to her. I was finding solace in someone else's arms. Or at least that's what she thinks.


Why was this proving so difficult, why was executing this role so hard. I know that I should release her from this illicit affair with no future. But I don't want to. I know keeping her with me like this will only cause her more pain. But, I still don't want to let her go. I know I shouldn't be so selfish but I can't help it.

I love her.

If I really love her then I should set her free.

I walk closer to her as if closing the distance between our hearts that has be brought about by the Cold War that we find ourselves in.

With every step closer I take to her, I feel the darkness behind her eyes shift, replaced with warmth and hope.

As soon as it comes is as soon as it goes, only to be replaced with anguish. When she sees me walk towards my car, towards the girl leaning on my car.

As I gently kiss the girl's cheek.

I hear the sound of Rainie's car reversing away. Taking my heart with it as it goes, and just like that the chance I have to be with the girl I love disappears just like cotton candy in water.


So if you made it to the end of this chapter thank you for reading. I was originally supposed to update this story last weekend but life got the better of me. I hope everyone is healthy and doing well.

Questions: who saw this coming? Do you guys really think they are in love?

What are your thoughts on this chapter? let me know in the comments!

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