Chapter 5-Part 1: Caught?

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Chapter 5-Part 1:Caught?

As I heard her feet pounding up the stairs my heart began to beat faster and faster. Her steps caused my breath to catch in my throat, as my door swung open for the second time that day my heart was in my mouth. I just sat on my bed frozen in shock, I had no idea how I was going to explain this to my mum.

Jake's P.O.V

She just sat there on the bed with her mouth wide open staring at the soon to be opening door in shock. As I heard her mothers feet pounding up the steps,I called out to her. I was frantically trying to tell her that I had to leave or at least hide somewhere, but she wasn't listening. She was still sitting on the bed motionless, staring at the door just waiting for her mum to catch us. She may not be in my embrace anymore, but the state of this room would spill the truth all on its own. Even if I tried to tell Julie that nothing happened I doubt she would  believe me. I wouldn't believe me either, if I was her.

I quickly scrambled off the bed and began pulling at my shirt,trying to make myself look the least bit presentable. In the hope that I didn't look like I had been caught with my hand in the cookie jar. Finally I ran my fingers though my hair and braced myself for the raft of Mrs Blake.

Rainie's P.O.V

I heard the clicking of her heels as she walked up the remaining steps,I knew all to well that she would be in my room in approximately 3 seconds, but I still couldn't move. It was as if my brain and body weren't connected anymore.  Deep down I knew that I should move. My brain was screaming at me, telling me to move but it was to no avail. I was frozen. I couldn't force myself off the bed and I also couldn't process what was about to happen. I was desperately trying to think of an excuse, any excuse but I knew that the truth always comes out in the end. So why Lie?

The sound of her heels hitting each step died down,and my door slowly opened. There she stood rooted to the spot analysing every inch of my room. Until her gaze landed on me.

"well?" she said

"well what?"

"is it true Rainie?" I could hear the anger in her voice

"i..s w...hat t..true?" 'does she know..someone must have told her..maybe someone at school saw us that day..she knows I thought, otherwise she wouldn't be looking at me with such disappointment in her eyes.

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