Chapter 6- I shouldn't have

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Chapter 6- I shouldn't have

Jakes POV

I closed the door leaving just me and her, alone, in her room, again. But a lot had changed, firstly she was no longer looking at me. Instead she had returned to her initial position on her bed. However, the look of pure ecstasy that was once there had been replaced with a look of pure betrayal and confusion.  

"What exactly did you say to her?" she said while looking up at me with accusing eyes. Causing me to feel a stab of guilt.

"What did you want me to say Rainie?"

"The truth perhaps, instead of making look like a delinquent"

"Oh you would rather me tell her how her daughter called me out in the middle of the night to seduce me?"

"Seduce you? i'm not sure if you remember, but you're the one who pounced on me like some hormonal teenager!" she said as she folded her arms across her chest and turned her face away from me. 

"But  I didn't see you complaining"  I retorted while making my way to her bed  to stand directly in front of her. I gently placed my finger under her chin and moved her face to face mine.

However,  being this close together once more was not having the desired effect , instead it was reminding both of us of how much we wanted one another. I really couldn't be this near to her, without wanting to pick up where we left off. As if she could read my mind she began to slowly close her eyes. Almost willing me, or should I say tempting me to kiss her again, but this time I would not be controlled by my urges. I could not give in, not again.

After 30 seconds of waiting for a kiss that never came, she opened her eyes,and looked up at me expectantly.

Rainie P.O.V

"Jake?"   I decided to use my own initiative and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him into a kiss, but this time he didn't respond. It was as if I was kissing a statue, he stayed completely still, neither encouraging me nor pushing me away. 

After what seemed like a life time, he finally moved but it wasn't the response I was looking for. He placed his hands on top of mine and unclasped my arms that were fixed tightly around his neck. He then proceeded to gently push me away with the palms of his hands. 

But I was determined to finish what we started, I wanted him so badly and I wasn't taking no for an answer. I knew that he wanted me too, it was not all in my head. So I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled him on top of me. I resumed our broken kiss while hastily trying to unbutton his shirt. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him closer, stopping him from going anywhere. He wasn't pretending to resist me this time. So I decided to turn the heat up more and began to remove my own shirt this time ,slowly,  one button at a time. My hands found their way to the button on his jeans, I tugged on it as if asking for permission. Well, he wasn't saying no or resisting, so I took it as a signal to continue. 

Jake's POV

She began to pull on my jeans as if asking for permission to go further. I hesitated  for a while but not long enough for her to stop, she took my silence as permission to continue. I really did want her to continue. Even though I knew that I should be telling her to stop, I just couldn't bring myself to do so. It really seemed like I was doing the right thing, I mean no one is getting hurt right?  We are both consenting adults right? I mean we love each other right? What is really so wrong about this? 

Maybe the fact that she's only 17? I felt like I had both the angel and the devil on my shoulder. The angel was reminding me that she is only 17, that she is still technically a child. But not only is she a child, she is my niece for goodness sake. It's completely wrong to even think about her in that kind of way. But the more, my conscience was telling me that it was wrong and that I shouldn't be feeling this way. The more it was telling me to stop, the more I was getting high off the thrill of being caught. The more excited I was getting by the whole situation. The more I wanted to be with her in every way. The more I was realizing that Rainie was really like a drug to me. Her kiss, her touch, even her smell was causing my heart to beat a thousand times faster than usual. The adrenaline coursing through my veins was also adding to this unimaginable high. 

"Jake Hunny are you staying for dinner?"  I heard faith say through the door.

And then it stopped, the adrenaline now turning to ice, restricting the movement of my limbs. The reality of the situation really dawned on me, and finally I realized that what I was doing was truly wrong. I really am a sick bastard for even thinking for one second that what I was doing was right. How could I get it so wrong? 

"No Faith i'm going to head home NOW" I shouted in response making sure to put a lot of  emphasize on the NOW so Rainie would understand. Well, at least I hoped she would.

Rainie's POV

"No faith i'm going to head home NOW" I heard him shout.

Once again the moment was lost. He stood up, abruptly. Untangled himself from my grasp,and headed straight for the door. Opening it and then closing it once more behind him. But this time he didn't come back. 

I heard the sound of his feet hitting the staircase, and then a few words were exchanged between my mom and him. Followed by the front door softly closing, the sound of his engine starting up. The sound grew fainter and fainter with every passing second. 

He was gone, without even saying goodbye or offering me some sort of explanation as to what we were and exactly what we were doing.

I felt totally used.

I curled up in my bed once more that day, trying to successfully summon all thought of him away. Willing myself to fall into a deep sleep. Where I would finally be free of all thoughts related to Jake, or so I thought.  

I suddenly felt inspired to write another chapter. I know a lot of people just like to be silent readers and not comment or vote. But, I am very curious to know what you guys think about their relationship. Leave comments below and let me know?
Do you think it's right or wrong, weird or normal or do you just have no opinion on it? 

Once again, thank you for reading. Vote, comment and share! 

JJin <3

BoundlessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora