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Harry's POV
It was a normal day, except for the fact we had a huge concert in NYC tonight. It had been a few days since my encounter with Mark and we hadn't spoken of it since. I was very homesick and by homesick I mean I miss my girl. I had been away from her for almost a month now and it was so hard and I knew she felt the same way. We spoke on the phone and/or video chatted everyday with text messages throughout the day. I was hooked on her.

Next thing I know I'm dialing her number. It rang a few times and went to voicemail. What? This wasn't like her to not answer. I got nervous and hoped nothing was wrong. Then literally a few seconds later she sends me a picture of her.. She was in our room in just the bra and panties I absolutely loved. Her message under it said.. 'Missing you right about now. Hope you didn't forget what I looked like (;'. I could tell my reaction was priceless. My jaw was on the floor and my pants were suddenly tighter. I typed back 'Lex you have no idea what you do to me. 😍'
"Whatcha lookin at mate?" Louis tried to peek over my shoulder.
"Uh nothing." I said and quickly locked my phone.
"Hmm okay." He smirked and walked away.
Shit that was close.

I opened my phone back up and saved the picture. This was the love of my life. I now realize I don't know how much longer I could be away from her. A few months earlier I had written notes about engagement. I knew we weren't ready but I was just taking notes just cause. I knew I wanted to marry her one day and I knew I would. After looking at the picture for a few more minutes I had an idea. I quickly texted her asking if she would fly out to New York tonight to see the show and be with me. She quickly responded yes and that she would pack now and be on the next flight out. I payed for her ticket, even though she hated when I did that.

After a few hours I went to pick her up from the airport. As I drove I still couldn't process that I was about to see her. We have been together for about 9 months now and I was still nervous every time I saw her.
The paps were everywhere when I went inside. Great I know she hates this and she's gonna be mad.

After what felt like forever, I finally saw her and I didn't care how stupid I looked I ran over and picked her up and kissed her about a million times. I heard all the clicks and flashes but that was the last of my worries.
"Well hello to you too." She smiled against the kiss.
"Hello baby, I've missed you. Oh and by the way thanks for making my pants shrink a few sizes earlier." I smirked at her as I put her down and grabbed her bags from her.
"Shut up!" She hit my arm and I laughed.
"I'm sorry I guess they figured out I was coming.." I apologized.
"It's okay. Where's the car?" She asked.
"Right on the curb just keep your head down." I told her.

As we walked to the car, flashes everywhere and she clung to my arm as they yelled our names and many other things that I probably shouldn't repeat. We finally got in the car and made our way to the hotel.
We got to the hotel and quickly got ready for the show. It felt like we had been in New York forever. We then made our way downstairs to the car that would bring us to the venue. When we got there we met with fans before then right before we got on stage I kissed Alexa and she left to go to her seat with Lou and Lottie.

After the show ended we made our way backstage and I met with her there. She stormed in the room. Her face was bright red and she looked furious.
"What the hell!" She yelled in my face, practically in tears.
"W-what?" I had no idea what was going on.
"You fucking met up with Kendall while you were in LA? Oh and you didn't even think to mention it.. That's low." Shit. I only met up with her to tell her to back off because she was trying to sabotage my relationship with Alexa because she wanted me back.
"No it's not what it looks like!" I tried to grab her arm as she walked away.
"No you don't get to touch me!" She yelled as she stormed out.
Everyone was staring and I ran out after her.
I looked everywhere for her but I couldn't see over all the screaming fans trying to come to me. Then I spotted her getting into a cab and leaving. Fuck. I lost her.

I went back inside with the help of security to keep the fans away. I tried calling her a million times and texting her but she never answered. I was starting to cry. Did I lose her because of a stupid mistake I made by not telling her? When we got back to the hotel I ran to the room to see if she was there. All I found was the ring I had given her and a tear stained note that read,
'Harry, I have never been more heartbroken in my life. I don't know what your intentions were and why you did this, but one thing is for certain is that you didn't love me enough to not. Thank you for the most amazing time of my life but I think we should move on and go our own ways. We obviously want different things. I love you and I always will. Alexa'. The paper was now covered in fresh tears from me. I fell to my knees and started sobbing. She's the love of my life. This wasn't meant to happen we were supposed to have a life together. After she finished college we would get married, have kids, and grow old together. This couldn't be happening. I felt sick.
What did I do? I needed to explain. Did she just end it? Was it over for real? I don't know how I can move on, she was it for me.

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