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Alexa's POV
It was Sunday and I went over to Haidyn's to hang.
"Hey girl!" She said as I walked into her room.
"Hello!" I said and sat on the bed next to her.
"Harry and my 8 month was Friday!" I said and she yelped.
"Niall and mine was yesterday!" She said and I hugged her.
We talked about the tattoo and the song and she was in awe and all she would say was "aw" and "oh my god that's the most amazing thing ever!"
I opened up twitter just because and I saw a notification from a fan.
''Hey @AlexaNorris_ have you seen this..' And attached was a picture of Harry walking around with some girl I've never seen before. I was sad. I didn't know the story but the first thing I could feel was sadness and anger. I showed Haidyn and she told me I should call him, so that's what I did. After a few rings he picked up.
"Hey love!" He said through the phone.
"What the hell Harry!" I yelled.
"What?" He seems shocked.
"Why am I getting pictures from fans of you walking around with some girl?" I was so mad.
"What are you talking about?" He asked.
"Check this out!" I yelled as I quickly sent him the the picture.
"Baby, that is Katie one of our managers.. We were trying to find a place to film our next video..." He said. And my cheeks flushed. I was so embarrassed. I can't believe I actually accused him of that.
"Oh Harry oh my god I'm so embarrassed I'm so sorry for accusing you!" I said and started to cry.
"Baby please don't! You shouldn't have done that you should be able to trust me but I understand where you're coming from!" He said which calmed me down.
"Okay, I'm sorry" I said.
"It's okay. I love you and I would never do anything to hurt you" he said.
"I know. I love you too." I said.
We talked for a little longer then he had to go.

"So? Seemed like it was a misunderstanding?" Haidyn asked.
"Yea I'm so stupid.. It's one of his managers and they were trying to find a place to film their next music video.." I laughed and Haidyn laughed along with me.
"Where'd you get your sweater?" She asked me. I was wearing one of the new sweaters Harry bought me. It was light beige.
"Some store on Melrose, Harry bought it for me." I smiled.
"Aw I love it!" She said.

We spent the rest of the day watching movies and hanging out. Loved a girl day.
Harry and I had a few texts here and there throughout the day nothing big, but it didn't really bother me.

I got home around 7:30 and got ready for school. I was exhausted. I quickly called Harry.
"Hello?" It was a male voice on the phone.
"Hi, who's this?" I asked.
"Oh hey Alexa its Liam sorry!" He said.
"Oh it's fine! Where's Harry?" I asked him.
"He's off somewhere with Niall at the moment. I'll let him know you called" he said.
"Okay thank you!" And then the line went dead. That was weird that Harry didn't have his phone with him. I shrugged it off and got ready for bed. I had to look over my paper for English because I would be presenting it in front of the class tomorrow. I re read it a million times and finally fell asleep.

My alarm woke me up the next morning. I was so tired. I had no energy but I had to look somewhat decent for my presentation. I curled my medium length hair into big waves then put on light makeup. I settled on a navy blue jumper with ballet flats and a white sweater.
As I was about to walk out of my room my phone rang.
"Hello handsome" I said into the phone. I missed him so much.
"Hello sweet girl, sorry I couldn't talk last night Niall needed me for something." He said.
"It's fine. I present my paper today!" I said nervously.
"You'll do wonderful my love. Can't wait to hear all about it." He said.

We talked for a few more minutes until I had to leave. I realized I hadn't eaten so I grabbed a protein bar and walked out to my car. I got in the drivers seat and felt that I sat on something. I looked and it was a piece of paper... In Harry's handwriting was written...
Strawberry cheesecake
Ring sized
What? Was he planning on proposing?! I was in shock. I was almost 17 I wasn't ready for marriage. I quickly put the paper in the console and drove to school.

During the first half of the day I couldn't get it out of my mind. Was he planning on proposing already? He knows I'm not ready so what was he doing? So many questions unanswered and I didn't know if I could ask him. But I knew I had to.

Finally it was time for me to present my paper.
"My biggest fear.." I started. All eyes were on me. I usually was fine speaking in front of people I was just nervous because of my topic. Everyone knew I was in a very serious relationship with Harry I just still don't know how it will play out.
"He's my biggest fear. The moment I first saw him I knew it all had changed. The first time we spoke to the first touch. It was all surreal I was scared. Not out of fear but out of excitement and wonder. I didn't know what was next. Was this all a dream? Would I wake up and it all would be taken from me in an instant.
He intrigued me. The first moment our eyes met I was scared. I was fearful for the unknown, and that's what he was. Now I'm fearful for loss. I'm fearful I will lose him. Lose everything I've ever loved and lived for." I felt myself start to tear up but I had to hold it together. I took a deep breath and kept going. Everyone was listening and even the teacher everyone felt emotionally connected to my speech.
"He taught me how to love, how to fight, and how to be happy again. Many moments of my life had brought me down. He was there to pick me up. Now I'm fearful that if he needs that support, I won't be strong enough to pick him up. I've witnessed many things throughout my time with this mysterious man. Fame, anger, jealousy, hate. Are just a few words that would describe the negative sides of my fear. My fear also grew into passion. I felt joy, and happiness every time I was around him. His smile could light up a thousand rooms.
But the main thing I was fearful of, was that he would learn about me. He would figure out I wasn't good enough. I wasn't worth it. That I wasn't the person he thought I was. Hidden behind a wall was a person who is broken and beaten. He has been knocking down that wall. I'm just fearful he won't be able to make it come crashing down."
And with that I finished my speech. Everyone clapped and the teacher wiped the tears from under her eyes. I was very proud of my work. It was a real part of me and I felt all of it.

Happiness (book 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora