22. Gone again

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Alexa's POV
I woke up the next morning with Harry's arms holding me tight and our legs intertwined. We were both naked from our actions the night before.
I looked at his sleeping features. The way his long curls stuck to his forehead with the thin layer of sweat. The way his chest rises and falls with each breath and the small mumbles he would let out. We both had a habit of talking in our sleep and would share stories about what we heard the other one say, and laugh. I outlined my handwriting on his arm. I still couldn't believe these were my words scribed on him just for me. I was so lucky. I traced the butterfly tattoo on his chest. He mumbled something then squeezed me into him tighter.
"Hun why are you checking me out?" He caught me.
"Because you're so sexy" I played.
"That's it.." He flipped us over so he was hovering over me.
He left wet kisses down my neck then in the valley of my breasts, and my hands tangled in his curls.

Then our moment was ruined when his phone began to ring.
"Ignore it" I tried to convince him.
"I can't what if it's management, I'll be fucked if I miss it." He said.
I let go of him and he grabbed his phone. Sure enough it was his manager and both of our eyes dropped. All I heard were Harry's sad okays and yes.
"Baby, I have to go.. I'm on the next flight out to New York. They need me to record this after noon..." He said as he kissed me and got up and ran his hand through his hair.
"I'm so sorry, this is the last thing I wanted to happen." He said as he packed his loose clothes and toiletries in his bag then got dressed. I got up and pulled on a pair of sweats and one of Harry's tshirts which was definitely one of my daily outfits.
"It's okay I understand.." I said sadly.
I walked him to the door and a car was waiting outside for him.
"I love you with all my heart and I'm glad I got to spend this time with you even though it was cut short." He said and kissed me softly.
"I understand. I love you too. Call me when you land" I said.
"Of course love." He kissed me again then made his way across the yard to the car.

After he drove off I walked back inside. I ran up to my room and started crying into my pillow that Harry had just been sound asleep on a few minutes earlier. It still smelled like him. I quickly texted Haidyn and asked her if she would come over. She quickly replied yes and that she was on her way.

When Haidyn arrived she came up to my room. I told her how he came when I needed him most and how he had to leave urgently this morning. She held me as I cried and told her the situation with my dad and Harry. She was so understanding and always there for me. She was my most best friend in the whole world and I couldn't ask for anything more.
"It's okay Lex, shhh.." She rubbed my back and calmed me down.
"Everything will be okay. Hey let's have a girl day. Let's go to the mall and get lunch and then go out for ice cream. How about that?" She suggested.
"I'd love that!" I smiled as I wiped my tears away.
"Go get ready!" I got up and went in to do my makeup and hair. I honestly thought no makeup in the world could cover up the dark circles under my eyes. But I managed to do it. After that I quickly did my hair.
I settled on a pair of light colored ripped boyfriend jeans and ankle boots with an oversized gray tee and a hat.
I grabbed my cross body bag and sunglasses, and we made our way to Haidyn's car.

When we got to the mall we headed inside. After a few minutes of walking around we were stopped by a young group of girls who were apparently huge one direction fans and wanted a picture.

We had an amazing day of shopping and spending time.
While we were at lunch at The Cheesecake Factory my phone rang. It was Harry.
"Hello" I said.
"Hi baby, just landed and I never break a promise!"
He said proudly into the phone.
"Well I'm proud of you. I miss you" I said.
"Miss you too love" he responded.

After we talked for a few and Haidyn was on the phone with Niall, we both told our men we had to go because our food arrived to the table.

We made our way back to my house. Haidyn was spending the night. We spent the rest of the night curled up in blankets watching movies and eating whatever junk food we could get our hands on.
I started to drift off during our fifth movie so we got up and went into my bed. We curled up and fell asleep. I couldn't believe just a few hours earlier Harry and I had shared this bed in the most intimate of ways. I missed him so much. He took over every though, every dream, every emotion. I was hooked and deeply in love with this man.

I never ended up asking him about the slip of paper. I didn't know what would come of it so I just dropped it. Obviously it wasn't important at the time being because nothing happened. I was glad, I wasn't ready for that. I still had one more year of high school then I was planning on going to college and becoming a writer and a photographer. I had a life ahead of me before marriage. Of course I wanted to marry him but not right now. We haven't even been together a year. I then thought more. What if we don't last more than a year? What if something tragic happens and we have a terrible break up and hate each other and never speak again. It made me sick just to the about it. I couldn't imagine my life without Harry. He made everything better. He was my everything.

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