21.I missed you

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Alexa's POV
I woke up with a huge pain in my head and stomach. I quickly ran into the bathroom and released the remnants from last nights dinner.
My mom came running upstairs to check on me.
"It's okay." She said as she held my hair back and rubbed my back.
When I finished I sat up and she handed me a wet towel. I thanked her and wiped my face off. Then I started to cry.
"Baby girl what's wrong?" she asked and wrapped her arms tightly around me.
"I woke up with a huge headache and stomach ache and then threw up.." I sobbed into her chest. She sat on the edge of the bathtub and I was on my knees on the floor.
"I'm so sorry love." She kissed my head.
"Dad called me last night..." I cried.
"Did you answer? What did he say?" She asked.
"I did, he said that Harry came by his hotel and accused him of hurting me and called him out for being a "bad father". He was furious and screamed all these hurtful things at me and called Harry terrible names and said if he ever saw him again he would do messed up things to him. Mom he's going to try and hurt Harry." I sobbed.
"Sh it's okay. Harry was looking out for you. Your father is terrible for doing that. I'm so sorry." She started to cry.
"I know Harry is just trying to look out for me, but mom if he hurts him I could never live with myself. Harry is the love of my life and if anything happened to him I don't know what I'd do. I hate dad for this I hate him so much!" I screamed.
She rubbed my back and we cried together.
"I'm just mad Harry didn't tell me." I cried.
"He was just protecting you. He did the right thing." She said.
"I guess."
After a few more minutes we stood up and my headache only got worse.
"I'll go get you some Advil and water." She said and I laid in bed.
I decided to text Harry and congratulate him on his awards last night. I was in no place to be talking on the phone.

My mom came back and handed me my water and Advil then asked if I needed anything else. I shook my head no and she said if I needed anything that to call as she left the room.
To my luck my phone started ringing and Harry's name and picture appeared on my screen. I groaned and answered the phone. My voice was very deep and scratchy from being sick.
"Hi" I didn't even sound like myself.
"Oh my god Lex what's wrong?" He freaked out.
"Just sick" I said while downing my pills.
"Oh baby I'm sorry. What's wrong?" He asked.
"Headache and throwing up. Nothing fun" I said.
"Aw I'm sorry baby, I wish I could be there with you. Thank you for the text meant a lot." He said.
"Of course. Hey I wanted to talk to you about something..." Here was the moment.
"Anything" he said.
"So my dad called me last night.. And he mentioned that you had talked to him." I felt like I could start crying any second.
"Listen, I know I should've told you. I was trying to protect you. I was so angry at him for hurting you and when I heard he was in New York I knew I had to find him. I will never let anyone hurt you and if they do trust me I will do something about it." He said. I was genuinely thankful for this man.
"Harry, I'm not angry at you I'm just so angry at him. He's such a piece of shit. He has never ever taken blame for any of his shit. He thinks he's the perfect father and does nothing wrong and blames it on my mom. He yelled at me for 10 minutes calling me every name in the book and bashing you saying if he ever saw you again he would hurt you.. Harry if anything happened to you especially if it was his doing I couldn't live with myself." At this point I was sobbing.
"Shh Lex it's okay listen to me. I'm so so so fucking sorry. He never should've called you. He never should've dragged you into this it's between him and I. I don't care what he says about me or what he says he will do. What gets to me is what he says to you. I remember he had called you stuff when you were younger and I've never ever gotten past that and now that he's still doing it. That's it he's crossed the line. I'm so sorry love. I would do anything to be there with you right now." He said. I could hear a sniffle from the other line indicating he had began to cry.
"Harry I love you so much. I don't care what he says about me. He calls me psycho, a fucking mistake, and whatever else you can think of that would feel like a punch to the stomach." I started crying again.
"Lex please please listen to me." He begged and I held in my sobs.
"You are so not a mistake. You are worth everything. You are perfect and amazing. Don't listen to any of his words. He's saying it out of anger. You never ever deserved this and I'm so bloody angry I'm not there with you right now." He said. I could tell he was tugging on his hair; a habit he had when he was upset or angry.
"Harry, I'm sorry for getting you involved. Let's just drop it ok?" I couldn't talk about this any longer.
"Don't apologize baby.. I will always be there for you and there is no way I will ever let you be hurt." He said.

We talked for a little longer then I was really tired so we ended the call and I fell asleep.

I woke up from my nap and it was 1:30. I had been asleep for 5 hours. I groaned as I sat up and my head ached.
I read my phone and I had a text from my mom from ten minutes ago telling me they were all going out for lunch and if I needed anything to call her. Wow thanks family. Then the doorbell rang. I was just in Harry's nirvana tee and my hair in a messy bun. I got up and quickly pulled a pair of shorts on and looked in the mirror. I looked horrible. My face was flushed and I had dark circles under my eyes. I noticed I had broken out a little on my forehead. I was so gross. I forgot about the door for a second when the doorbell rang again I was broken out of my trance and made my way downstairs. I opened the door and I was met with piercing green eyes and unruly curly hair.
"Harry?" I said confused then quickly realized what was going on and jumped into his arms.
"Hi baby" he said and kissed my forehead lightly.
"Wha what are you doing here?" I asked.
"I couldn't stand being away from you right now. I told management it was a major emergency and they let me come. They said they may call me anytime and have me come back." He said and I hugged him again.
"Thank you Harry. I really appreciate it" I smiled.
He leaned into kiss me but I backed away and he seemed upset.
"What?" He asked.
"I'm sick remember.. Look at me I look like a pimply ghost." I said and pointed to my face.
"Baby you're beautiful no matter what. But I do not need to get sick. This is gonna kill me not kissing you right now." Said as he grabbed his duffle and brought it up to my room.
"Wait did you set this up?" I asked as I realized he showed up while my family was gone.
"Set what up?" He asked.
"Why is it that my family is all out to lunch and you just magically show up?" I flung my hands in the air and he laughed.
"Maybe I had something to do with it.." He smirked.
"You're such a romantic" I laughed and poked his nose.
"But forreal im starving, let's get some food up in this bitch!" I yelled and threw my hands in the air as I ran down the stairs and Harry broke into a fit of laughs.
We made pancakes and sat down at the counter.
"So feeling better?" He asked me.
"Yea I'm better." I smiled.
"You're so adorable." Rubbed my cheek. I felt the cold metal of his rings and his soft hands. I rubbed his thumb over my lips and leaned in closer.
I then playfully licked his thumb.
"HEY!" He yelled as he wiped his hand on his shirt and we both started laughing.
These were the times I treasured the most. I love being with him and he made all the worries in my life disappear.

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