25.The unspeakable

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Alexa's POV
2 years later
Finally, senior year was over. I was eighteen, graduating, and going to college. What more could I ask for. Wait..? One thing was for certain, something was missing and had been missing for almost two years now..


How everything went down broke my heart. I could never love another person again. I tried to go on a few dates. Never made it passed dinner or a movie. It wasn't the same. He had tried to contact me for a few months then it limited to birthdays and holidays. When I never responded he got the hint and stopped all together. Of course I missed him. All I ever did was miss him. I still listened to their music and loved the band. Not as much but once a fan always a fan. Then when they finally ended a few months ago I was sad. Not just because of the band and music, but because I wouldn't get to see or hear about him anymore. At the beginning he looked sad and weak. He's gotten better, still sad though. Hidden behind a fake smile. I always wondered if he every found someone. It hurt just to think about it but deep down I think he felt the same way I did and couldn't move on.

Graduation was in a week and then a week later I was off to Santa Barbara to start my new life before college at UCSB to become a writer.

"Lex, you ready?" Haidyn asked.
We had stuck together through everything. Her and Niall were still together and she planned on moving over to Europe with him and going to a university over there. It made it harder to get over Harry with Niall being around a lot. He was sort of in the middle, with Harry trying to go through him to get to me. Then it stopped and Haidyn got a hint and started going out with Niall so I didn't have to see it.

"Yep!" I smiled as we walked to her car.
We were headed to go pick up our cap and gown from the school.
"How are you feeling?" She asked me.
"I'm good. Excited to move on!" I said and smiled at her.
"I know me too!" She said.
Haidyn was going to college at NYU to study music technology for a few months then off to Europe for her. I was so sad we were going to be so far from each other but I knew we would stay close. Distance couldn't tear us apart.

We waited in the long line to receive our attire. When we finally got it we left and went to lunch.
When we got to the restaurant we quickly sat down and looked at our menus.
"You know Niall is coming to graduation.." She said.
"Of course, he's your boyfriend he should be coming." I said to her as I scanned the menu.
"I was just letting you know. Do you expect Harry to show up?"
"No, we haven't talked in about two years and he hasn't tried to contact me in about a year. He's probably moved on." It made me sad to think about. I know Haidyn knows everything because Niall tells her but we never talk about it.
"Niall told me he tried to go on a date a few months ago but got up and left her at the table alone. He isn't over you Lex. He's still in love with you and wants nothing more than to try to explain." She said to me with simpathetic eyes. I knew she only wanted what was best for me but she knew this was a touchy subject.
"NO!" I said a little too loud and got a few looks from people at surrounding tables.
"I'm sorry ok? I just.. I can't. What he did hurt me and there is no explanation. I need to move on it's been two years. I'm independent, I'm about to graduate and move across the country and start a life." I said as I shut my menu and took a sip of my water.
"I know.." She said and dropped it.

A week went by in an instant and it was finally time to graduate. I adjusted my cap and Haidyn and I stood outside the building and took some pictures before going inside. As I went to sit in my seat I got nervous and excited. I was almost free, an adult going out into the world. The principal finally came out and gave his speech before they called graduates. The valedictorian gave their speech then the ceremony began.

After what felt like a century they finally called my name to receive my diploma. I carefully walked across the stage trying not to trip. I received my diploma and shook my principals hand and smiled for a quick picture. As I made my way down the auditorium steps I spotted something... Someone in the back of the room.. My eyes seemed to be drawn to the curly hair, green eyes, and the small smile that played on his lips when he was nervous.... The smile that was carved into the back of my mind... Harry.

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