22 : Wedding day

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Emily is fixing my hair as Alice does my makeup. I look amazing. Leah helps me with my dress and necklace. It's time.

Sam grabs my arm as the big doors open. I see Paul and Paula in front. Paula is two now.

The music plays and Sam escorts me down the aisle. I have the biggest smile on my face. I'm so happy to be marrying the man of my dreams. Following in my moms footsteps. I'm loving life right now.

Paul takes my hands as the preacher begins. We wrote our own vows.

"Sydnee, I love you with all of me. You are my rock, and I am your cliff. You have shown me right from wrong. You taught me what real love really means. Us. We are real love. We've had our rough patches. But, we made it through it. You and Paula mean so much to me. I want you as my wife forever and always. Through life. And death will be the only thing to split us apart. I love you, my wife." Paul speaks his vows.

"Paul, you are my hero. Literally. You saved me from my dad, who beat on me like a dog. I thank you for it. You gave me a beautiful daughter, Paula. I wouldn't give two cents to lose y'all. If I lost you guys, I'd be in heaven watching down. I can't live without you guys. Paul, you are my rock and my prince. My security alarm. My warmth. My life. I don't know where I'd be if I didn't have you." I finish my vows with tears in my eyes.

"You are now pronounced husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The preacher concludes the ceremony and steps back.

Paul puts his hands on both sides of my face, pulls me close, and our lips collide. Fireworks shoot in every direction. I feel so right. I have my own family.

The end.

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