Chapter 5 - 1284 days. 22 hours. 13 minutes. 49 seconds.

220 12 2

Jasmine's POV

I quickly rushed down the stairs , trying to make sure I didn't trip .

Hair clips dangled from my lip gloss clad lips .

I tugged at the sleeves of my red plaid shirt and pulled up my black jeans .

"JASMINE !" Mel screamed . "Come , quick ,"

"I'm coming , " I shouted back .

I hurtled to the kitchen , grabbing the water bottle .

I heard the familiar Skype ringtone start up .

"Shit," I cursed under my breath .

I sighed and gave up with my un-manageable hair .

I walked into the living room and fell onto the floor next to Finch .

"You look nice , " He whispered leaning towards me .

I looked at him and smiled .

"Hello ," I heard the voice call out .

I turned around and looked at the screen smiling .

Jake was smiling uncontrollably whilst waving his hand .

"HIIII!" I squealed back .

"How is my favorite artist ? " He asked laughing .

"Are you sure I'm your favorite artist ? " I asked sarcastically .

"Well it used to be Isa...." He stopped looking away .

I felt a sharp pang as I looked away .

I gulped loudly .

"I'm sorry jas , I..." He started saying .

"It doesn't matter , " I replied a little coldly .

Finch elbowed me and whispered "Why do you hate that guy so much ? " .

I ignored him and bit my lip .

I knew it was wrong .

I should of told my friends that I had already found my soulmate and that he was famous too . But I just couldn't bring myself to do it .

I wanted to forget.

But I knew they would eventually find out .

But just not now .

"Umm , so what was the news you wanted to tell me ? " I asked .

Suddenly Jack broke out into a grin .

"Guess who got asked to perform at the this year !" He said . It sounded half like a question and half like a statement .

"Who? " I asked furrowing my eyebrows .

Jack did this thing when he would ask you that and then say someone else , so i didn't really think much of it .

"2 of my clients !" He said triumphantly .

"WOW !" I exclaimed . "Congrats ! Who was it ?!"

"Shhhhh, Let me finish , " HE said sounding even more excited .

I laughed .

"Finch , Pass me my water bottle , " I asked sweetly .

HE groaned before getting the bottle .

"Thank yoouuuu," I said , leaning over and kissing his cheek .

He laughed wrapping his arm around my shoulders .

"GUYS !" Jake shouted .

I jumped a little .

"I'm not finished ," He huffed .

I rolled my eyes .

Sometimes Jack really did act like a stroppy teenager .

"Now , were wa.. , Oh yeah ," He started . "One of my clients have been asked to perform at the Emma Gaala and host it !"

My jaw dropped .

"whoa , " I said .

"Do you want to know who it is ?" HE asked smugly .

I nodded .

I crossed my finger and wished hard .

Please don't be Isac . Please don't be Isac. Pease don't be is....

"IT"S YOU ! " He screamed .

My heart stopped suddenly .

"Ohmygod, " I muttered .

Then it hit me .

3 years of hard work was paying of .

I screamed as I jumped up .

Finch hugged me hard .

I was so happy .

I was going to host the show I used to watch every year .

"I'm so proud of you ," Finch said hugging me .

I nearly started crying there and then .

I clung onto him .

I heard another scream and the rest of my friends tumbled into the room .

They must of been eavesdropping .

They all ran towards me and tackled me down to the floor .

I started squealing with laughter and happiness .

I quickly broke away from the hug , and straightened my shirt .

"Thank you so much Jake , This means so much to me , Like you don't understand , " I started saying rapidly .

"Actually Jasmine , Thank you ," Jack said smiling . "Sorry , I've got to go tell my other clients ,"

"Byeeee," I said happily .

The call ended and I smiled .


Just wow.

I was going to be on TV .

I was going to host one of the most important award shows of my whole career .

This was a once in a life time opportunity .

And it was mine .

"So guys , who's ready to rock the stage at THE EMMA GAALA !"


Sorry I haven't been able to upload in so long , I've kinda had a lot to do lately . 

Ohmygod , Can u believe that TYGA is featured in Lipstick !! (Literally only found out this morning ) 

OHMYGOS AND 5SOS RELEASED THE MUSIC VIDEO FOR SHE"S KINDA HOT AND I'M SO EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE , EVEN AFTER LIKE 3 DAYS . you don't understand how proud I am of those stupid dorks ! There my Everything . 

Anyways , So i haven't had a lot of inspiration for a while , SO updates may be slow again . 

So sorryyyyy 

Hope you enjoy 

Byeeeeee xxx

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