Chapter 28 - 1301 days. 17 hours. 22 minutes. 12 seconds.

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Jasmine's POV

I watched from backstage as Isac performed.

He was singing save a girl and I smiled as he walked around the stage, the red shirt around his waist trailing behind him.

I felt guilt eat up within me again as I saw Jai staring at me from the other side of the stage.

I waved at him, as he waved back.

He then turned around and walked of leaving me to try and calm down my emotions.

"Damn it, "I whispered, swiftly turning around and walking away.

I wonder how long I could lie myself through this fucked up situation.

I continued walking through backstage, my head bent not wanting to talk to anyone else or even look at someone.

"Hey, Watch were you're going!" I heard a voice squeal, as I collided into someone.

I looked up at the person and felt my anger boil up again.

I rolled my eye before turning around, but she grabbed my arm.

"I need a word with you," She said quietly.

She dragged me through the corridors as I fidgeted.

"Get of me, I need to go back on stage soon, "I said, trying to prise her fake nails of me.

"Shut up," She said harshly.

I felt my anger for her grow even more.

I didn't understand why Isac would like a girl like Karissa.

She was so ..... Fake.

She then pushed me into a room before slamming the door shut.

"What the fu..." I stared saying, but I was cut off when I felt her hand collide onto my cheek.

I looked up at her cupping my right cheek.

"You think you're so fucking perfect," She sneered, grabbing a piece of my hair.

"No... I really don..." I tried saying.

"Oh shut up, "She said pushing me.

I landed with a thud on the floor.

"No one will ever love you, "She said smirking. "You're just a slut that everyone pretends to like, "

I felt my heart sink as the words sank in.

"I bet no one would even care if you died," She said, making bad thoughts come into my head.

"What have I ever done to you? " I said sniffling.

"Nothing, I just don't like you that much," She said looking at her nails. "God knows why people even try to make you feel loved, you're not even one bit loved,"

I gulped back tears.

"Your dad would be happy , Your mum doesn't even know who you are , Your friends would get over it in like 2 weeks , Isac would get over you but he's already over you , " She said cackling .

It was almost like the voice inside of my head had been born as a human.

"Just go die, No one would care, "She said laughing. " And then Isac will be mine,"

I tried getting up but she pushed me back down.

"Stay away from Isac, He's mine and only mine," She said turning around. "As well as being kind of hot, He's get money and that could help me, "

With that Karissa walked out the room, leaving me alone in the room.

I felt every part of my body shiver as the words started sinking in, causing me to come into realisation.

Maybe she was right.

Maybe I wasn't needed in this world.

I had lost the people I loved the most by being me.

Maybe Isac had got bored and that's why he kissed Noora in the first place.

My mum hated me and she told me.

Maybe my friends are just throwing me a pity party.

My dad would be fine.

I brang my knees up to my chest and started sobbing loudly.

Someone burst into the room and I started shivering in fear.

"Jas," I heard a boy say.

I looked up and tried regaining myself.

"Danu, "I said, wiping my wet face.

"I...I heard what she said, "He said, coming closer to me "and I'm going to tell the others, "

"NO!" I shouted.

"But Jas, what she said, that's ... "He started saying.

"The truth," I said, standing up and breathing.

"No it's not, "He said trying to touch me.

I flinched as his hand went around my shoulder.

"Danu, it doesn't matter," I said hiccupping.

"But ...b," He said looking at me.

"Promise you won't tell anyone, "I said, sticking my pinkie out.

"Jas ... I ..." He said.

"Promise!" I exclaimed.

"I promise, "He said looking at me with sad eyes.

How long was it going to be before I finally crumble under this weight?

What's the point of fighting a fight I was meant to lose ...?


Sorry for not uploading yesterday <_> I was busy with homework and I kind of might have had a break down over everything.

If I can be honest here, Karissa is legit the girl in my head , or the voice in my head . All those negative things that come lashing out. I think she's a bitch but ... Sometimes I can't like ...Idk I find it hard to believe its bullshit.
I know that is stupid of me but because of all the things that's happened to me before , I find it hard to believe myself tbh.

But I'm really happy because even though I have all these negative thoughts , I haven't self harmed in like a month :D So I'm like kinda proud of myself .

It's been like 4 months since I got out of that relationship and I'm only just realising how bad it was for me and for him . I think he deserves way more and for no, I'm better on my own: D So I'm happy for him for moving on and being ok because I realise what was more important. Like every day I wake up and I realise my feelings are slowly just letting go ...

Anyways I hope you hate Karissa nearly as much as I do,

Byeeeeeeeee xxxx

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