Chapter 19 - 1200 days. 15 hours. 08 minutes. 22 seconds.

219 15 4

Jasmine's POV

The music was pounding through the crowded room, the lights were dim causing everyone to bump into each other.

Noora and Finch were sitting on one of the tables and talking amongst themselves. Julia and Alex were dancing together. Danu and Lasse were talking to the rest of my Crew. Isac was surrounded by tall different coloured hair. Me, I was sitting by the bar and looking at everyone having the time of their lives.

"You do realize you're too young to order anything alcoholic, "A voice said.

"Who said I was ordering anything alcoholic, "I said looking at the person.

A good looking brunette haired guy stood, behind the bar.

"What do you want then gorgeous? " He said, obviously flirting.

"Orange juice, "I said, rolling my eyes.

My head was pounding from the music and I felt all hot and bothered.

"Hey, "A worried looking Isac, appeared out of no were. " Are you ok? "

"I feel sick, "I said wearily.

"Come on, "Isac said, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the door.

"HEY PRETTY, WHAT ABOUT YOUR DRINK? " The bar tender shouted.

Isac's grip on me got tighter.

"He was flirting with you, "He said sounding jealous.

"I know, "I replied.

He looked back at me and raised his eye brow.

Before I knew it, we were standing on the roof of the building, breathing in the air around us. It somehow comforted me. The city below us was still busy, Cars zooming everywhere, Building still lit brightly.

I looked up and looked at the starts and moon. The way the stars lit up the sky around us made it even more beautiful.

"This feels good, "I said sighing.

Isac stayed silent.

I walked towards the edge of the ledge and leaned forwards, looking into the brightly colored city in front of us.

"Be careful, "Isac whispered.

I turned around and watched as he nervously ran his hand through his toffee colored hair.

In the moonlight, Isac looked amazing. The wind was ruffling his hair and the suit he was wearing made him look good. His brown eyes twinkling in the moonlight. His pale skin gave of a little glow , and the way he was so nervous , Made him even more cute .

"What are you thinking about? " He said, breaking my thoughts.

"Mhmmm nothing, "I said, sounding embarrassed.

Isac smiled as he walked closer to me.

"Did you ever think this was going to happen? " He asked, looking into the horizon.

"No, "I sighed.

"Isac? " I said, looking at him.

"Yeah? " He asked, turning to face him.

I felt every bone in my body freeze as I looked him in the eyes. The way we stood made it even harder to resist. Isac took a step towards me, causing me to hold my breath. The butterflies in my tummy had burst out, causing me to feel sick again.

"I...I...," I said, unable to finish the sentence.

His hand reached out to my cheek, and cupped it gently. His other hand went to my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"I...Isac ... "I breathed out.

My heart was now pounding louder than I had ever felt it pound. His chocolate brown eyes were burning into my own blue eyes.

Something changed though. In the minute we both realized what was happening, causing us too steep away from each other. The loss of his body heat made me want to whimper out loud.

"S...sorry, "He whispered, looking away.

The air around us was now filled with fizzles of awkwardness.

I turned around and walked towards the ledge again. I pulled on my dress as I sat down onto the edge. My legs were dangling over the building.

I was still trying to process what had happened, and for some reason I wanted to cry out into the darkness.

About a minute later, Isac fell onto the ledge next to me.

"That wasn't what I ....," He started.

"I know, "I cut him off.

I turned around and smiled at him softly.

"Isac, I just can't, "I whispered "At least not now, "

"I get that, "He whispered.

"But it doesn't mean that , I don't like you , " I said , Causing him to smile a little " It's always going to be you , I mean who else can put up with me "

Both our laughter filled the empty silence.

Isac reached out and softly held my hand.

"You're my Ikke, "I said "Remember that, "

"I have an Idea, "He said, getting up.

He pulled me up and I groaned, causing me to chuckle a little.

"Stop being lazy, "He whined.

He grabbed his phone and started tapping on it.

I raised my eyebrows and crossed my hand.

He looked up at me and grinned.

The beginning intro of "If only "By Dove Cameron started playing.

"How do you even know this song? " I said giggling.

"Ava, "He replied, turning a bright red.

His hand went around my waist and the other one held my hand.

As I realized what he was doing, I lifted my arm around his neck.

I looked up at him, as we swayed to the beat of the song.

"You still remember, "I breathed, trying to stop myself from crying.

"I want to slow dance on the roof of a building, Whist its dark, "I said, as we both lay on the bed together.

"With me? " He asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Who else dummy, "I said laughing. "Oh Preferably to a Disney song, "

I buried my face into his solid chest.

I inhaled his familiar scent and let myself loose.

The fact he remembered made me realize, just how much I loved that dork. 


I'm so sorry guys for not updating on Sunday :( 

My baby brother broke the Wifi , Don't ask me how he did it but he did . 

So I hope your enjoying the book so far , and my half terms are coming so I'll make sure I update more soon xxx 

I'm so busy right now with school work and Tamil school and tuition and flute and handling my social life at the same time , I swear sometimes I wish I could go hide in my bed (like all the time)

Anyways hope you enjoy 

Byeeee xxx

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