Chapter 24 - 1296 days. 17 hours. 22 minutes. 10 seconds.

201 13 4

Isac's POV

"Ikkeeeee!" Karissa squealed, grabbing my face.

I felt uncomfortable suddenly.

"Karissa, What are you even doing? " Julia asked, making me sigh in relief.

Karissa made a dirty face at Julia, whilst she looked back down at her phone and smiled.

I turned around and watched as Noora kept breaking into smiles, every 5 seconds. Danu and Lasse were listening to their music whiles scrolling through their phones. Alex was asleep on Julia and Karissa was being .... Karissa.

"We're nearly here guys, "Dad called, from the front.

"This is going to be hell, "Karissa said loudly. "Spending 6 months with weirdos, "

"Shut the fuck up Karissa," Julia said furiously, waking Alex in the process. "What do you know about them?"

Karissa smirked.

"At least I don't have to be fake to fit in," She said grabbing my hand. "Right, Ikke?"

Honestly, Karissa is a bitch but I needed to hurt Jasmine the way she hurt me by moving on.

I stayed quite as Julia drooped slightly, causing Alex to wrap his arms around her and sent me daggers.

I heard Dad mutter something from the front.

Karissa wrapped her long arms around my neck, suffocating me. Her perfume was too much and filled the car. Her make up was too thick and her voice was too bitchy. I don't like her.

The rest of the ride was filled with silence, a few mutters here and there.

"We're her, "Dad said, walking out the door.

Julia opened the door and waked out, Noora climbed over the seats and fell to the ground, before getting up and running outside. Danu and Lasse laughed at Noora before getting out. Karrisa winked at me as she got out. I got out last and was met with disappointed eyes.

The picture of me and Jasmine flashed up on screen and I felt myself smile, Even though I shouldn't of.

****Flashback ****

"JASMINE! " The photographer screamed, making her giggle. "Look at the god damn camera, "

She started laughing as her hand were still on my shoulders, making me feel her body vibrate as she closed her eyes.

"Jas..." The photographer said, sounding tired.

"Ok sorry, "She said, trying to stop herself from bursting out in laughter again.

"What are you even laughing about? " I asked, causing her to look up at me.

She smirked at me and then cocked her head to one side.

"You," She said grinning.

"What about me? "I quipped raising my eyebrow.

"Everything ab....." She stared saying.

"COME ON!" The photographer shouted, causing both of us to laugh.

**** Flashback ended****

"Ikke? " I heard the high pitched noise, knocking e out of my trance.

I pulled on my hoodie as I walked beside Karissa into the arena.

The sound of music started pounding out, getting louder and louder as I walked closer to it.

I suddenly heard someone scream and the voices of laughter follow.

I saw a bluey green haired girl dance to the music, the others following behind her. I couldn't make out what the song was yet but she was really enjoying it.

Jasmines was wearing a baggy tank top and tight black leggings. Her new hair was scraped into a high ponytail and it swung about crazily as she danced.

"That's the girl you liked? " Karissa said, cackling. "I thought you had better taste, "

Anger started boiling up in me. I wanted to reach out and slap her caked face and scream to her that she would never be able to be half the girl Jasmine was.

Instead I said, "I do now, "I said chuckling.

I suddenly recognised the song as a song Jasmine normal listens to it. I couldn't put my finger on it but I watched as she swayed her hips to the music, making her look 100 x hotter.

As the songs beat drop started playing, Jasmine ran ahead before doing a no handed flip, followed swiftly by a cartwheel. She got up from the position and ran back to her place dancing, whilst grinning.

I watched as Finches eyes travel towards us and landed on Noora. His whole face lit up causing him to forget about the dance and swiftly run behind the backstage and come out the sides. He appeared quickly by the sides and started running towards Noora.

I looked back up at Jasmine and watched her smile at the running pair, as they finally collided into each other. Both their hands were securely wrapped around each other. Noora's blonde hair was buried into his chest and Finch had buried his face into the top of her head.

A sharp high pitched whistle rang through the arena causing everyone to look back.

"JAI!" I heard Jasmine scream.

I turned back and watched as she jumped of the stage and ran towards the boy. The boy she had kissed when we last face timed each other. Jai started walking towards her and continued smiling, He opened his arms out for her. Jasmine jumped into his open arms and her feet wrapped securely around his torso.

"Jai, "She whispered.

"I'm the opening act ... "He said, grinning.

Jasmine slammed her lips down onto his lips and moved her hands into his hair.

I felt myself slowly crumble away.

"Come on, "I said coldly, grabbing a smirking Karissa's hand and walked away.

It then hit me hard and I realised something.

Watching the girl that I loved more than anything, love someone else .... It hurt.

It sprung up emotions in me that I had never felt.


This is just a filler chapter so sorry , and make sure you're mentally prepared for all kinds of twists and turns in Jasmine and Isac's story

UGHHH school starts in 2 days >_< So i won't be able to upload as regularly as i am right now ...

Anyways hope you enjoy .

Byeee xxx

Fast Forward - Isac Elliot ( Sequel to Countdown)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang