Chapter 4

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Mrs. Urie offers to give Brendon a lift to school the next morning, on her way to work, and Brendon accepts.

He's not really sure what to say to her as they pull out of the drive. He knows that she probably wanted to talk to him about Rodney, but he really, really doesn't want to so much as think about him. The man had been rude, obnoxious and offensive, and though he knows his mom is lonely, he also knows that she can do a lot better than him.

School is about a ten minute's drive away, and for the first few minutes, they're silent. Brendon finds his thoughts drifting to the knife in his pocket - he can feel it's metal hardness against his leg, and his heart races every time he thinks about it. He has to give it back to Ryan, yes, but how the hell will he do it? Just casually say you left this behind and hand it to him?

Then again - what if he's caught with it, himself? Ryan gets away with things, it seems, because he's got such an unnerving attitude, but Brendon knows he'll probably be expelled for having it in his pocket, or at least given months of detentions. With a sidelong glance at his mother, Brendon slips a hand into his pocket, feeling the cool of the metal with a finger. He winces, and withdraws it. Guilt is gnawing at him, and he's not even done anything wrong.

"Brendon," his mom suddenly says, and he snaps his hand away from his pocket. She doesn't seem to have seen this, however, as her eyes are fixed on the road. "We need to talk."

"What about?" he asks, frowning slightly.

"About. Well, about Rodney, actually."

Brendon tenses, his eyes narrowing suspiciously. He decides that he doesn't like the hesitant tone of his mother's voice one bit. Slowly, and carefully, he asks, "What about him?"

"Well, I know this is going to seem a bit sudden, honey," she starts, and then pauses, biting her lip and glancing at her only son. He stares back at her, raising his eyebrows. "We're dating. We have been for a couple of weeks now, but I didn't know how to tell you. I know you were upset about your dad and I divorcing."

"I wasn't upset," Brendon lies, quickly, feeling a rush of anger at his mother's words. "Anyway, I don't think you should be dating Rodney. He was horrible and loud and didn't understand anything that you told him. He's not even attractive. You can do much better, seriously. He's --"

"Brendon," his mother cuts through him, using the sharpest tone she's ever used with him, and he falls into a surprised silence. "Don't talk to me like that. It's up to me who I date, and Rodney is very much a gentleman when you get to know him. He just, well, doesn't understand about your condition. He'll be more understanding as he gets to know you."

"I don't want him to know me," Brendon replies, shaking his head. "Mom, he's totally disgusting. I don't see why --"

"If I hear one more bad word about him, I'm making you get out of this car right this minute," she says, her voice trembling. Brendon closes his mouth, and somehow manages not to carry on his rant. He doesn't want to annoy his mom, but she has to see just how horrible Rodney is.

"I'm sorry," Brendon mutters, even if he isn't really.

"I just want you to get on with him," she sighs, sadly. Then, she reaches across, and ruffles Brendon's hair beneath her fingers. "I'm sorry for overreacting."

"Don't worry about it," Brendon shrugs, looking out of the window gloomily. He guesses that she'll have to learn for herself. He just doesn't want her to get hurt, because if she ends up so, damn, he's going to end up hurting Rodney even more.

"What happened to your friend last night, by the way?" Mrs. Urie asks, a couple of blocks away from the school. "I heard him leave almost straight after dinner."

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