Chapter Two

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Annabeth and I have been best friends for 6 years, ever since the Chase's moved in next door. Annabeth has opened up, and told me all about herself, her past, and everything going on. She would come hang out a lot in our apartment to get away from her family, to hang out and play video games or just rant about life. I guess her stepmother treats Annabeth badly, and treats her step brothers like little angels. Her dad is usually working all day to notice to family problems. I guess for her it's always been that way and that's why she's so independent, but luckily she opened up to be my friend which I'm so lucky for. Today was my 16th birthday and I told my mother I didn't want a party, to which she gladly agreed, because of our low expenses. I just wanted Annabeth and I to hang out and eat cake for my birthday. I finally learned to drive after what felt like forever and now that I'm 18, I need to get a job so I at least have some experience for when I'm older and in college. Man, college, I totally forgot, what's gonna happen to Annabeth and I's friendship? She wants to be an architect but I have no idea what I want to do with my life. I'll have to start looking at summer applications soon. But, first priority, a job. After hanging out for the whole day, we watched movie, Nemo, or at least started it. Annabeth fell asleep on my shoulder. She must have been exhausted, but she looked so peaceful sleeping there. I didn't wanna move at all if that meant waking her up. I felt like a creep just staring at her, but I couldn't help it, you see, in the 6 years we've been best friends, I sort of developed a crush on her, not a big deal...but she's so independent, so focused on a perfect career that I don't think she thinks about love or any of that kind of stuff. Besides, I'm sure she see's me as a close friend, but I'm okay with that, it's better than her ignoring me all together. I tried to watch the movie and get my mind off of it, but I started to get really tired. I decided to turn off the movie because I wasn't even paying attention. But, I didn't wanna wake Annabeth up, so I just fell asleep leaning my head on top of hers. It was really nice.
I woke up at 2am to something moving. I was so tired, but I was still curious, so I lifted my head to see what was moving, only to see a very tired, confused, Annabeth staring back at me. My face went red but the room was so dark, I was hoping she wouldn't notice.
"Why were you asleep on my head?" she said. I had to explain to her that she fell asleep first, but it felt weird, having to explain myself. I raised my hands up in defence.
"Hey, um, I-I...uh, you fell asleep on my shoulder during the movie, a-and I was tired from the movie, I fell asleep on top of your head...that was on my shoulder..." It was still really dark but I could still see her face becoming pink. She turned her head away from me to hide her embarrassment. Gosh, she was adorable. Before thinking, I put my arm around her shoulder and pulled her close.
"I'm way too tired, let's just sleep" I said, my voice cracking. I started to fall asleep, until I felt Annabeth's head falling back on to my shoulder. I smiled and then fell asleep.
I woke up the next morning to the sun shining in my eyes. Annabeth was still asleep on my shoulder and I couldn't help but smile...but my neck still hurt. I suddenly remembered that we never told her parents that she fell asleep and was spending the night. I tried to softly shake Annabeth to wake her up. She mumbled something I couldn't quite make out, and then lifted her head.
"Oh gosh my neck is KILLING me" She said. She then looked at me and it only took her a second to figure out what was going through my mind. She quickly got up and grabbed her things.
"Um, I'm sorry I have to leave so quickly, um, I'll see you later Percy! Happy Birthday! B-bye!" She said as she panicked and left the apartment. Wow, she's adorable when she's flustered. I stood looking shocked and then my mother happened to walk in.
"When did Annabeth leave?" She asked.
"Um, just now"
"Oh? She could have stayed longer, I made sure to let her parents know she fell asleep here"
I didn't really know how to react. I'm now starting to wonder how Annabeth was taking this story to her parents. My cheeks turned red thinking about it. I decided I would worry about it later. I remembered that I need to quickly start looking for a good job, so I ran to the computer to get started on looking for open jobs.

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