Rotten to the core

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"They say I'm trouble
They say I'm bad
They say I'm evil
That makes me glad"
Mal and I sang as we were painting a green shield shape with the words "long live Evil" as we jumped off from a old trash can, and walked away pushing through two teenagers walking away.

"A dirty no good
Down to the bone
Your worst nightmare
Can't take me home"
Jay sang along, going down a latter, as He winked at me playfully with his normal smirk plastered on his face, I roll my eyes back before pushing through him in a joking manner. Which only caused him to chuckle at me. As I slightly walked past a lady I quickly snatched her wallet from her purse, sticking it in my pocket, father should be proud of me. Right?

"So I got some mischief
In my blood
Can you blame me
I never got no love"
Evie sang as she walked on a table pushing off the food that lasted on top, she squeezed through a railing with a boy following her.

"They think I'm callous
A low life hood
I feel so useless"
Me and Carlos sang together, I never realized how amazing his voice
was- snap out of it Sierra!- Carlos ran with me following as he grabbed a mans red hanky, I sneakily took a gold bowl that stood beside him, he tried to catch me but I was to fast, carlos then grabbed a little boys green apple taking a bite before throwing it to me, I quickly passed it back to the sweet boy but he seemed confused. I shrugged before turning back walking with Carlos, and he slung his arm lazily around my shoulders making me smile with a blush- wait no! I can't like him!-

We all shout together.

"Mirror mirror on the wall
Who's the baddest of them all
Welcome to my wicked world
Wicked world"
Mal and Evie sang with a smirk as I met up with them, we all had met up at the alley, opening a fence. We pass a few men passing sacks and push straight through not caring if we annoy them.

"I'm rotten to the core core
Rotten to the core
I'm rotten to the core core
Who could ask for more
I'm nothing like the kid next
Like the kid next door
I'm rotten to the...
I'm rotten to the...
I'm rotten to the core"
We all sang with me between Carlos and Jay, Jay knew about me thinking that I like Carlos, but I hate the fact that I might like him, I don't want to like anyone I'm not worthy of love.

"Call me a schemer
Call me a freak
How can you say that?
I'm just unique"
I say with a smile dancing along with the rest, as I noticed Carlos looking through the corner of his eyes at me. Great I just used my terrible voice in front of him. Wait Why do I even care what he thanks I don't like him...

"What me a traitor?
Ain't got your back?
Are we not friends?
What's up with that?"
Jay questioned singing as he stole some ones lamp or pot, whatever.

"So I'm a misfit
So I'm a flirt
I broke your heart?
I made ya hurt?"
Mal and Evie sang continuing for Jay, as they slightly flirted with some kind of scarf dude.

"The past is past
Forgive forget
The truth is"
Carlos sang as he stood on a table before jumping down and landed on a wagon with hay, throwing some of it at a lady who seemed pretty mad.

"Y'ain't seen nothing yet"
We sang all together.

"Mirror mirror on the wall
Who's the baddest of them all
Welcome to my wicked world
Wicked world"
Mal, Evie, and I sang together with smirks and a few laughs, when we all spot a mother pulling her child in a wagon and Mal stole the babies lollipop. Making us all laugh, when all the sudden all the other kids run away scared, me personally confused I look behind Mal to see Maleficent's body guards. "Hi mom" Mal said turning around still holding the lollipop. "Stealing candy Mal so disappointed" her mother said sarcastically as she moved aside her body guards. "It was from a baby" Mal defended handing her mother the candy. "That's my nasty little girl!" Maleficent said with a grin before snatching the candy and spat on it and sticking it under her arm, "give it back to the dreadful creature" Maleficent said handing the lollipop to one of her guards. "Mom" Mal bumped in before being interrupted by her mother. "It's the deeds that are the difference between mean and truly evil, when I was your age I was cursing entire kingdoms. Walk with me." Her mother said completely ignoring Evie, Jay, Carlos and I. "I'm trying to teach you what really counts trying to be me" she continued and Mal looked slightly frustrated, I was just watching with amusement, as I put my arm against jays shoulder to lean on -what? I told you me and Jay are close!- "I know and I'll do better" Mal finally spoke up and her mother just kind of blew it off. "Oh there's news, I buried the lead, you 5 have been chosen to go to a different school in Auradon" she said and all of us except Mal, gasped and tried to run but the stupid body guards grabbed us. "What.. We're not going to some boarding school with prissy pink princess's" Mal argued in disbelief, I nodded with agreement along with the others. "And princes" Evie added with a grin of mischief. "And gross preps" I spat in disgust.
"I don't uniforms unless it's leather" Jay commented raising his hand for a high five from Carlos, but Carlos just left him hangin. I snickered as he glared, I quickly bright my hand up to smack his and Jay finally smiled at me. "I read somewhere that they allow dogs in Auradon, my mom says dogs are rapid pack animals that eat boys who get in trouble" Carlos said with fear all in his voice, "I told you dogs aren't scary!" I whisper shout at him with a slight shoulder slap. He waved me off still scared. "Woof!" Jay scared Carlos and I giggled, there so stupid, I wonder if I could pull a prank on Carlos about the danger dogs.?. "Yeah mom were not going" Mal said defensive, as she argued, interrupting my thoughts.
"Oh you think that's all pumpkin, it's all about world domination!...
Knuckleheads" her mother said Enthusiastic, before getting her guards attention and walking off. "Mal" her mother sang and we all followed her. As we walked inside I saw all our parents with my father digging in a Chest. We walked in front of Maleficent's throne, and she sat down. "You will go, you will find the fairy god mother and you will bring me back her wand. Easy peasie." Maleficent demanded with a smile. "What's in it for us?" Mal and I both said equally. I glanced at her and she was glancing at me we shook off the thought and went back to her mother. "Mal" her mother started rephrasing as she was just talking to Mal. "Matching thrones and crowns" her mother smiled with excitement, still ignoring the rest of us. "It's all about you and me baby, do you enjoy watching people suffer" her mother asked and still ignored us. "Well yeah of cour-" Mal started but was interrupted by her mom. "Then get me that wand and you and I can see that and so much more and with that wand and my septer I will bend Evil and Good to my will" her mother said and it was like she would never stop, i glance over at my dad who was arguing with Jays. I roll my green orbs before turning my attention back to the scene in front of us. "Our will" Evies mother corrected. "Our will our will" Maleficent corrected, before turning to look at Mal, "and if you refuse, your grounded for the rest of your life missy" she finishes. "Wha.. Mom-" Mal interrupted but her mother just brought up her fingers shushing her, she then compelled Mal, which Mal tried to fight back but soon gave in as usual, "fine whatever" she mumbled turning away. "I win"

Disney Descendants, Evil romance with Carlos De Vil Where stories live. Discover now