Auradon Prep

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"Alright so how bout a tour" Ben said clapping his hands together, breaking the tension between Mal and Audrey. "Auradon Prep originally built to 300 years ago, but turned into a high school by my father when he became king" Ben said walking away as we followed, we followed him as he walked to a statue and stopped before clapping. We l watched as the statue morphed from a man to a beast. "Ahh!" We all turned to see Carlos had yelped and jumped in Jays arms, I quickly brought out my phone and snapped a picture while I snickered silently. This is a keeper.
"Carlos it's ok, my father wanted his statue to morph to remind us anything is possible" Ben stated trying his best to calm Carlos. "Does he shed much?" I heard Mal ask jokingly. "Yeah my mom won't let him sit on the couch" Ben said back, it was hard to tell if he was joking or serious. we all looked at him funny and started to walk in the castly school thing place. As they walked away I stayed behind and tried clapping to change it back, cause that was pretty dang cool, Then I noticed someone had clapped with me, seeing it was Carlos who was still looking pretty terrified. I snicker before grabbing his arm and pulling him forward with the group It was full of kids who would talk to their friends and just have fun, but there was wayyy to many preps and pinky princesses and crap. "So you guys have a lot of magic here in Auradon and things like that" Mal asked look around and back at Ben. "yeah it's here, of course but it's pretty much retired, so most of us are just regular mortals" Ben answered talking to us all. "Who happen to be kings and queens" I ask with an eyebrow raised. "That's true, our royal blood line goes back hundreds of years" Audrey replied and forced Bens arm around her. "What a weirdo" I mumble to myself "I agree" I heard someone whisper back, I looked up and saw it was Jay, we both chuckled before turning our attention back to the group. "Doug!... Doug come down!" Ben hollered at a boy who was in a band uniform, he also looked pretty nerdy. "This is Doug, he is gonna help you with your class schedules and show you the rest of the dorms, I'll see you later ok, if you have any questions feel free to ask-" Ben started as Audrey interrupted him. "Ask Doug" Audrey fakely smiled while her and Mal fakely laughed together. Audrey and Ben start to walk away leaving us with the guy we now know as Doug. "Hi guys I'm Dopeys son as in Dopey, Dawn, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy....
hi ho.."Doug said as he seem to zone out while starting at Evie with loving eyes, Ohhh I see a romance coming up. "Evie, daughter of the Evil Queen" Evie introduced herself with a slight bow. "Uh so all your classes I put in the requirements like safety rules on the Internet and goodness 101" doug said continuing to tell us about everything. "Let me guess new class?" I ask and Doug nods lightly, of course. "Come on guys let's of find out dorms" Mal said leading us Up the left hand stairs and everyone follows. As Doug still seemed slightly dozed off when he suddenly bumped back to reality. "Uh your dorms are that way guys" he punted to the right hand stairs as we all went to the other steps. As we walked down I was behind Carlos, how did this happen? I shake off the thought and listen as dopey names the dwarfs. "Dopey, Dawn, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy...." He stops confused as if he can't remember. "Sneezy" Carlos finishes with a smirk, and walks off. I run to catch up with Mal and Evie since we will be sharing a dorm when I trip over my own feet. Closing my eyes waiting for an impact that never came, I slowly opened one eye to see a pair of dark beautiful brown staring back into mine. How come I've never noticed his beautiful brown eyes, or that chocolate above his lip? "Oh um thanks" I stutter before standing back up Straight. "Anytime" he replies and starts to walk off. "Oh wait up Carlos you uh you
k-kinda have a little o-of choco-" I said walking forward to wipe off the chocolate above his lip but I couldnt finish my sentence for i got lost in his eyes. My hand was still above his lip and I quickly snapped it away, with a nervous smile as I see Carlos slightly blush. Heat quickly rises to my cheeks and I scurry off after Mal and Evie not able to speak another word. When I caught up with them they had just arrived at the door and we slowly opened to dorm room and walked in to see a pink ugly nasty yucky girly room. "This is place is so amaz-" "Gross" Mal and I cut off Evie with a look of disgust. Ugh it looked like a pink unicorn had came in her pooped at its poop an threw it up. "Yeah totally amazingly gross!" Evie lied and turned to face the other way, I slightly roll my eyes in amusement. "I'm gonna need some serious sunscreen.. Windows" Mal starts with complaints and all three of us go to close the curtains. Making the room a little darker, "that's a little better but I think we should maybe get a few posters and new curtains and sheets and comforters and-" I start, but got cut off by Mal. "Yeah or we can just do all that when we take over the world" Mal states as if i were being stupid, I glance down at the floor knowing she was right. "I'm just planning it out, seriously who pissed in your Cheerios?" I sassed back joyfully and Evie giggled form across the room. Mal just playfully rolled her eyes before turning and messing with a bed.
Later on we decide to go talk to the boys, so as we walk down the hall I start to think of what had happened earlier with Carlos. I can't believe I did that. "Ohhh what ya thinkin about? Carlos?" Evie questions with a mischievous grin as if she knew. "Whaaa pshh no!" I say back defensively and we reach the boys dorm, as we walk in we see there dorm is wayyy better then ours but it's still kind of royalish, which makes it not so much better. But hey at least theirs isn't filled with pink crap. Carlos was playing a video game with the colored sticks in his hand while Jay was going through a few items he had thrown on the bed. "Once a thief always a theif" I think to myself and walk over to him with Mal. "Jay, what are you doing?" Mal Ask from my side as she looks at the items he stole. "It's called stealing" Jay replies still going through it all. "Ok so what's the point?" She ask again as if she were clueless. "It's like buying whatever you want" I say adding myself in, "except it's free" Jay finishes and smirks. "Ok so you could do that or you could leave this stuff here and pick it up when we rule the world" Mal said as I chuckle and back away from them slowly. "You sound just like your mom" Evie compliments with a smile, it's not exactly a lie she does sound like her mother. "Aw thank you!" Mal replies putting a hand to her heart. "Die suckers!.. Jay you have got to play this game" Carlos starts as he turns to look away from the screen and catching eyes with me, he slightly smiles and I quickly turn and pretend to talk to Evie. "Guys do i have to remind you what we're here for" Mal asked grabbing eveyone except Jays attention who was focused on the game. "Fairy god mother blah blah blah, magic wand blah blah blah" Jay states turning to look at her causing us all to laugh and he turns his attention back to the game. "This is our one chance to prove ours selves to our parents" Mal starts and we slowly got serious, "to prove that we are Evil, vicious, and ruthless and cool" Mal starts "Evie come here" Mal said and we all slowly walk to the table with Mal. "Mirror mirror on the wa- in my hand where does the fairy god mothers wand.. Stand!" Evie says holding out the tiny mirror, as it bright up a picture of the wand. "Zoom out" I mumble look through with everyone else. "Magic mirror not so close" Evie speaks again as the little mirror zooms out way more then expected. "Closer..." Evie said as it zoomed in a little more, "can I go back to my game I'm on lever 3" Carlos asked standing up but I quickly throb his hand and pull him back in his sit. "closer.." Evie said again. "Stop! It's in a Museum" Mal stated looking through the little mirror. "Do we know where that is" I ask as Carlos types in a few things in his lap top before tune it to face us. "2.3 miles from here" he said with a smile. Wow how did he do that? Mal then got up to open the door before peeking her head out. "Come on" she says walking out the door as we closely followed behind.
I noticed one of us was missing and slightly rolled my eyes. "Carlos!" I shout lightly and watch Carlos runs to catch up sliding in his red, white and black jacket. Once we reach the muesem, Mal tells Evie to check the mirror. "Is my mascara smeared?" She asks looking in the mirror at her mascara. "Yeah an hey while your at it see if you can find us the wand" Mal replies sarcastically. And Evie glanced in her mirror before running off
"this way!" She whisper shouts and we soon follow. we peek through the door noticing Maleficent's spinning wheel. We also see a security guard who slowly turns in his chair making us all duck, beneath the window. Before we rise back to look through the window again. "That's your moms spinning wheel?.. Lame" Jay states as if he were bored already. "Yeah its kind of dorky" Carlos agrees "well maybe it makes gold string" I reply also teasing the wheel as the boys smile at me. "It's magic it's not supposed to look scary" Mal defended as she pulled out her book. "Magic spindle do not Linder make my victim prick a finger" Mal whisper but the guard just sits there bored. "Impressive" Jay states sarcastically "I got chills" Carlos says back making us three laugh. "Wait! I think is saw a spark!" I shiver to them all. "Oh no, my bad it's just the power of the lame game" I say again making Mal glare at me. Jay and Carlos were trying to hold in there laughs as I high fived Carlos, was it really that funny?😆
"Ok you know what, prick a finger prick it deep send my enemy off to sleep" Mal starts again as the guard slowly lifts from his chair and pricks his finger on the wheel, he gradually lays down on the stand before falling off to sleep. "Not so dorky now" Mal says with a smirk as me and the boys looked shocked. She slowly chuckles and goes to open the door, when it's locked. "Stand back" Jay states as he starts to walk further away. Oh god no, Jay please don't. "Make it easy, make it quick, make it open without a kick" Mal says another spell as the doors open untouched. We all smile until Jay comes running forward with a flying kick in the ready. And he lands on his face. "Great job" I comment sarcastically as I help him up, the others let out a few laughs. When all the sudden the gaurd starts to stir, we shut up and glanced at him before we turn to run. "Carlos!" I shout again noticing his is not with us. "Coming!" I hear him holler back and he stupidly walks towards us. As we ran down a few halls, we finally found a flight of stairs before going up them. We stopped noticing a room of villains, walking in slightly I saw my dad. "Mommy" Evie said shocked and sad. "That's funky" I mutter weirded out. "Killer" Jay comments looking at his fathers statue. "Il never forget Mother's Day again" Carlos mumbled to himself and I giggle lightly, remembering the day he forgot Mother's Day, he had to clean all his mothers clothes and her shoes. "Well the wand isn't here, let's bounce" I heard Jay say as he turned to walk away with us slowly following, but Mal stayed behind. Looking around we finally found the wand and we told Evie to go get Mal, she nodded before walking off. "I can't believe it" I mumble looking up at the wand. "Neither can I" I turned seeing Carlos with the same expression as me. "Yeah it's great" Jay agreed and Evie showed up with Mal. We were all starting up at the wand as Jay went under the ropes. "Jay! Don't!" Mal an I holler but he ignores us and just smirks. He reaches to grab the wand but a force field strike at him and he flies back, next an alarm goes off. "A force field and an alarm?" Jay asked holding his head in pain. "Seems like a little much" I agree before helping him up. We all start to run off to leave but as we are passing the lobby area the phone goes off, I choose to ignore it but Carlos stops and answer the phone. "I roll my eyes and stay with the group. "Carlos!" Evie shouts causing Carlos to hang up, "your welcome!" He shouts back sarcastically before running off with us. Dang how have I never noticed that Carlos is a tech wiz? First the laptop and now this? Impressive. we ran off through the field
All annoyed now. "Thanks a lot Jay! Now we have to go to school tomorrow" Mal huffs as we run back to Auradon Prep.

Thank you for reading! Also thank you for all the votes! Also if you have any other  people you would want me to write a fanfic about. Comment or send me a message and I will gladly write it!

Disney Descendants, Evil romance with Carlos De Vil Where stories live. Discover now