W o w

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Guys. I'm so sorry.
I can't continue this story.
I think I started this fanfic during my Summer of 7th grade and now I'm in 9th grade.
Ive been working on it for way too long. And I honestly can't even remember much about the movie. I love this fanfic, but I can't continue it.
I'm sorry guys.
I'm finished writing it.
I will begin new fanfics when requested.
BUT IF I DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE MOVIE/SHOW/ETC YOU WANT A FANFIC ON. I can't promise you'll get a fanfic. Though I'm willing to do some research.
Ive got myself under control and I'm sure I could Start, and finish a new fanfic.
So please message if you have a request.
I've already stated that I cannot continue it.
BUT if someone else would like to message me, asking if they could finish it, that would be fantastic.
(I'll give details on that if you message me)


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