Dating Fail. But bennyboo's new GF?

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Carlos's POV

"I- uh was wonder do you- would you- do you think- what's up..?" I stutter, I automatically regretted it. I was planning on asking Sierra out right then and there, but my stupid words aren't agreeing with me and what if she refuses? I mean she is so beautiful with her light brown hair and bright green eyes, and her nose ring along with her cute little dimples she has when she smiles and red beanie she always wears- snap out of it!
"Um nothing much..." Sierra replies snapping me out of my thoughts, I glance over at her but she was already looking at me, except she looked so confused. I looked down at our hands still holding each other together, I can't believe I had the courage to hold her hand but not to ask her out!
At the moment the school doors are only a few steps away and I let go of her hand racing to open the door for Sierra. "Aw thanks" I hear her soft voice thank me as she walks through and I run to catch up with her. "Anytime" I smile before quickly grabbing her hand again. All the sudden dude jumps down from my arms and slowly walks beside us, I shrug and look over at Sierra through the corner of my eye again, and see her face a bright red as she walks down the hall staring straight at the floor. She looked so beatifically angel like, but when she turned to look at me, my face flushed noticing that she had caught me staring. But I didn't really care because I was getting so lost in her eyes, I got so lost I tripped and since our hands were connected she fell straight down with me landing on top of me. I didn't think her face could get any redder but I was wrong, she was shocked but she sure was red too. All i could do was smirk at her cuteness, as she looks up at me and I look down at her lips, I so badly wanted to just slam my lips to hers but I felt that if I did she would just pull away. I don't know why I was so much calmer and braver in the woods but that stunt I did back there was the best time of my life. She quickly looks away from me and stands up, I stand up after her and dude starts to bark at us. When we look at him he was running away so we quickly follow him and see him turn into a dorm. Once we reach the door I was breathing hard and I quickly open the door only to see it was Mal and Evies dorm. Since they were staring up at me shocked. I calm down and Sierra walks around me before picking up dude and laying him on a bed which I'm assuming is hers. "Hey guys" I say between breaths and walk over to the bed Sierra is at and sit down beside her on the ground. "I'm bored" I whine once no one says anything back, Sierra giggles before picking up a blue laptop and handing it to me. "It's mine but you can use it" she smiles as dude jumps down form the bed laying directly in between me and Sierra. "Um what's the password?" I ask looking over at her. Her eyes widen and she quickly grabs the laptop and her face starts to redden again, I see her type in a few letters and she hands me back the laptop with a nervous when smile. I wonder what her password was??
I was randomly on her laptop doing just randomness. When all the sudden I got this brilliant idea, I quickly types in the detach bar for her wordpad that every laptop has (nowadays).
I type fast and look over my shoulder every once and awhile make sure Sierra isn't looking.

I've always loved your smile, and it hurts when I haven't seen it in awhile. I love the way your dimples pop out and your eyes seem to glisten with the beautiful bright green, no matter how cheesey this may seem. I love to hear your laugh when I'm feeling down its the most wonderful sound. I will stick my ground and stay be your side for the entire ride of your life.
                                  -Carlos De Vil

I smile as I read over the poem before glancing up at Sierra again, I quickly save the file as "read now" so as soon as she sees it she will read it. I just hope she reads it soon. As I save the file I notice a few other files already up, curious I read over the titles
"Stupid feelings"
"Tired of trying"
Confused I click the "stupid feelings" one but before I could read anything a door slamming open made me jump as the file closed down. I look up and see Jay had walked in except he was holding up his shirt he was wearing. It had his name written on it and with a huge number 8 under neath it, it was jersey, he had joined the team already? "Heyyy coooool" we all cheered and Jay nods excepting our cheers. "Jay that's so cool!" Sierra hollers and goes up to hug him as he lifts her with a spin. My blood boils and I slowly grit my teeth together, no stop it Carlos, jay doesn't like her, he likes that red haired chick from the lost isle (idkXD) he even told me that. I silent sigh escaped my lips but I can still feeling the anger inside me. Still looking at Jay and Sierra, Jay sets her down and she smiles before looking over at me, I can't tell if she noticed how angry I was or not because she just walked over to me and sits down beside me, with Dude still being between us of course. Suddenly a smile sweeps my face, I quickly shake of the thought of this and turn my attention back to everyone. Jay had walked over to the bed Mal was sitting on which was the one me and Sierra were leaning up against. "Did your plan work with Jane? You going up to see the wand?" Jay asks curiously looking over at Mal as she continuously flipped through her spell book. "Do you think that I would be going through every single spell in this book, if I hadn't completely struck out!" She snaps back at him as we all turn towards her with shock. "Well someone's in a bad mood" I mutter lightly laughing and Sierra shoves my shoulder jokingly sending sparks through my body. "My moms counting on me! I may let her down!" Mal snaps back at me flipping me upside the head, "ow" I mumble rubbing my head slightly. I turn looking over at Sierra, she was giggling, man that giggle. I started to zone out, not knowing what was going on then a knock on the door snaps my attention away from Sierra. Mal walks over to the door as we all watch confused, Sierra gets up and follows Mal. When they open the door, it was Ben standing outside looking awkward as ever, but he still tried smiling. "Hey guys, I didn't see you today so I just wanted to see if you have any questions?" Mal shook her head and looked around at us before replying with a "no I don't think so..." She stopped as he was about to leave. "Alright well if you have any questions just ask Me" he smiles and turns to walk away like I said. When all the sudden Sierra hits her shoulder and Mal eyes widen. "Wait!" She hollers and he quickly turns to face her. "Is it true we all get to go to your coronation?" She ask almost nervous but also mischievous. "Yes, the whole school does" he smiles lightly clapping his hands together. "Oh wow, do you think we could maybe get to stand beside the fairy God mother so we could just soak up all that goodness?" She ask making all kinds of hand gestures with a smile. Bens face automatically falls and he looks around nervous, almost like he isn't sure how to reply. "I wish you could. But the only ones allowed up there is, my parents and my girlfriend" he finally speaks up with a sigh. "Your girlfriend?" Sierra repeats with question. "Yeah"
"Alright well thank you bye!" Mal says before he could reply and slams the door in his face, Before smirking at us all. "I think it's time for Bennyboo to get a new girlfriend" Mal says as she walks over to her bed, "now I need a love potion!" Mal says again picking up her spell book while flipping through the pages.

I forgot what they had said XD
So sorry if this isn't my best chapter, please help me correct any of my mistakes!
But how did yall like Carlos's POV?
Should the next chapter be in his POV again?
Thank you for reading!
Sorry it's so short!
I just started to feel bad for leaving that cliffhanger last Time! XD

Disney Descendants, Evil romance with Carlos De Vil Where stories live. Discover now