First kiss

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I was at my locker which was side by side with Mal's, I was acting as if I wasn't listening to Mal and Ben's conversation. A noticed Jame walk past us with a slight whimper, I glance at Mal and she smirks over at me before quickly ending her conversation with Ben. She starts to follow Jane and quickly grabs my wrist so I am now following her. We followed Jane in the restrooms only to see her fixing her hair in the mirror, when she saw us walk in through the mirrors reflection she gasped with a slight jump. "Hey! It's Jane right?" Mal asked a little to happily as Jane backs away from us both. "I've always loved the name Jane" I slight mumble to myself not knowing they had heard me. "Yeah me too." Mal cuts in, I think I know what she's doing. "That's cool, thank you.." She mumbles back as she scoots away and was about to leave. "Don't go!" Mal shouts by accident and Jane freezes. "I guess we were just trying to make a friend.." Mal spoke sadly with a slight laugh. "You probably have all they friends you need though huh?" She asked glancing up at Jane. "Hardly" I heard her mumble. "You don't?" I asked shocked, she seems so nice I really don't get this place. "Really? I mean with your mom being fairy godmother and headmistress and all, not to mention your own.." Mal starts to stop and I can tell she is lost. "Amazing personality" I finish with a smile, I don't want to help Mal with this plan, to be honest I don't want to do the plan on stealing the wand but I need my dad to be proud and happy for me. "I'd rather be pretty" Jane cutted in. "You two have great hair" she said again and Mal and I looked at each other. She was right, about Mal's hair not mine, I barely even brush mine. I don't see a need to brush my hair it's not like someone is gonna notice anyway. "You know what, I have just the thing for that" Mal said through a light chuckle as She brings out her spell book looking through the pages quickly. Jane watched with wide eyes not knowing what to do, I stand there rocking on the back Of my heels awkwardly. "It's!" Mal slammed her hand down on a spell in her book and smiled up at Jane who was still quite shocked. "Beware forswear replace the old with brand new hair" Mal said pointing her finger at Jane as she flipped her finger to the right and Janes head turned, then her finger went up as Janes head looked up, Mal then moves her finger down and Janes head went down with it. Slowly Jane look up, her hair was long and very curly. It looked really go on her, but I still think her old hair was beautiful. Jane turned looking in the mirror with amazement, "wow" was all she said. "You almost don't notice your... other features anymore!" Mal Exclaimed unknowing of what to say. "Do my nose!!" Jane Exclaimed tapping the Mal's book over and over, what's wrong with her nose?
"Oh I can't" Mal said acting as if she is sorry. "I've been practicing, but I can't really do big magic, not like your mom with her wand" Mal said again almost sadly. "Yeah one whoosh from that thing and you could have any features you want!" I reply with a smile as well, I hate this I really hate this- no! I don't! This is exactly how I'm supposed to be! Right?...  "Oh she doesn't use the wand anymore" Jane said again breaking me away from my thoughts. "She believes the magic is in books, not the spell books, regular books with history and stuff" Jane scoffed almost annoyed with her mom. "What a rip" Mal replied as we both walk over to the mirror and I sit up on the sink counter tops. "Yeah" Jane agrees sadly. "You know she used that magic on Cinderalla who wasn't even her real daughter, doesn't she love you?" Mal asked, as Jane quickly looked up at her. "Well of course she does! It's...... It's Just you know tough love" Jane defended not really knowing how to respond and she looked down again, she looked so sad and hurt. "That's the face!" I point towards her, Jane looks up confused. "Yeah just act as if your heart.. Is about to break!" Mal exclaims with me, and holds a finger to demonstrate. Mal looked down sadly and played with her bracelet to act as if she was scared "oh Mother, I just don't understand why you can't make me beautiful too.." Mal finishes and looks up with a grin, Jane watched shocked with the scene in front of her. "You really think it would work?" She asks curious. "Yep!" I say happily with a smile as Mal laughed. "That's what old Cindy did right? And your mom bippidi boppity booed the living daylights out of her!" Mal exclaimed as I try not to look confused, I've always that Cinderalla was beautiful and all the FGM did was give her a pretty dress with shoes. Jane laughed at her comment and I fakely laugh along.
"And hey if your mom does decide to you know bring out the old wand" I start as I hop off the counter landing beside Mal. "Invite us!" Mal finishes for me with a mischievous grin. "If I can convince my mom, you two are so there!" Jane Exclaims over excitedly. "Yay" Mal and I cheer quietly with a small clap. She then runs out of the restroom, I look over at Mal and she was still looking where Jane had ran. "Hey. Sooo ummm.." I say grabbing her attention, I wanna ask where Carlos might be but the she might think I like him- which I don't!
"Yeah?" Mal ask as she turns towards me confused. "Do you maybe know where Carlos might be?" I ask mumbling Carlos's name quietly. "you want to know where Carlos is?" Mal smirks at me with a eyebrow raised. "Whaaaaa! Noooo!" I holler before running out of the restroom myself and I quickly run out of the school as well. As I was running away I noticed a path way leading into the woods and I quickly made my way through it, it was very beautiful and quite amazing if you ask me. I slowly found myself going down the path all the way an edge of grass where water met, and there was a wooden bench swing there as well. I smile softly as I walk over it it making sure not to get to close to the water, I take a sit on the swing and push backwards making the swing actually swing slowly. The wind starts to pick up and it's really an amazing sight, this is the most amazing place I've seen. My mind starts to wonder off and before I know it Carlos is on my mind again,
I can't help it. I guess it's the way he smiles or maybe they way he smirks down at me, it could even be they way his brown eyes sparkle when he is happy, no it isn't any of that. It's just him, everything about him. I sigh and look down at my hands, I take a slow breath.

"With a sigh
Just look up
At the blue sky
Cause maybe one day
You will fly...

Maybe not now
And I don't know how...

Why won't this dream
Just fade away
No matter what they say
I do not love you...

For you do not
Love me...."

I sang softly, I'm not much of a singer actually I can't sing at all but I love singing. Is that weird?
"That was amazing" a very familiar voice says from behind me. I jump and turn around to see the one and only Carlos De Vil, except the Carlos had a cute little doggy in his arms. I shot up from my sit and scratch the back of my neck slowly. "I-I um I uh..." I stutter not knowing what to say, my legs feel like jello but I can't move to sit back down. "Oh um sorry this is dude" Carlos says walking closer as he introduces me to the light brown haired dog. I smile and relax, I slowly reach out to pet the cutie and Carlos sits down on the swing making me sit down beside him. "Hi dude" I smile again and look up at Carlos to see him smiling down at me, I blush and he quickly looks away as do I. "So uh about that song, did you make it up?" Carlos asks breaking the awkward silence. "Uh yeah I did" I reply not looking him in the eyes. "Oh it's was really good, and your an amazing singer" Carlos says and I look up at him, he was slightly smirking which made me blush again. "Thanks but no just no" I laugh disagreeing and pet dude some more. "You are!" He argues and I look back up at him. "Whatever" I stick my tongue out at him and he does the same. "So what made you start to like dogs?" I ask curiously. "Oh um well Ben showed me they aren't rapid pack animals who eat boys" Carlos replied with a slight shrug and scoots closer to me laying the dog in my arms. I smile down at dude before looking back up at Carlos, he was closer then before and our lips were barely touching. I could feel his light breaths on my face but I was focused on his eyes, he beautiful brown eyes. "C-Carlos-" I stutter but stop when his lips slam on mine.
I didn't know what to do, I never kissed anyone but somehow I knew to kiss back. His lips were soft and sweet and I could feel him smile in the kiss, his right hand slowly moved up to my cheek and if it weren't for the dog in my arms my hand would be to his.
He kissed me so passionately and almost eagerly, but I kissed back with the same passion and eagerness. Sadly we need to breath, so Slowly we both pulled back for air but he rested his forehead against mine, I looked up into his eyes only to see them sparkle which only caused me to smile as I look down away from his eyes. What?" Carlos whispers confused at me. "Whenever your happy your eyes... They sparkle and your eyes are just sparkling away"
I say with a smile and slight giggle. I look back up at him seeing his face flush. "Well I did just kiss you" Carlos smirked down at me, now I'm the one who is blushing.
"We should probably go" I say quietly before standing up and Carlos stands up beside me. I hand him back dude and he gratefully takes him, we start to walk back to the school in silence. It wasn't awkward it was just quiet, I didn't want to leave but I'm sure Mal and Evie are looking for me, especially Mal after what I did. A soft warm hand gripping mine brought me away from my thoughts as I look down at my hand to see Carlos had connected our hands, I look up at him as a smile slowly forms on both our faces, and his eyes start to sparkle again. "Sierra?" Carlos asks breaking the silence between us, and the school comes in sight. "Yeah?" I ask looking over at him again. "I-"

Sorry guys I couldn't help it!
Anyway, should I do a
Carlos POV?
I'm not sure if I should. Also how do you like the story so far?
I'm sorry it took so long to update, but I was trying to make this chapter very special😂 alright bye guys hope you enjoyed this

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