Love spell.

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Sierra's POV

Once Mal found her spell for Benny we all snuck out of the room and down to the kitchen, and right now Mal was just stirring the ingredients together. And Evie was close by her helping, while I on the other hand am just sitting beside Carlos and Jay on the table stool thing. It was pretty boring just sitting here doing nothing but I'm beside Carlos which always makes butterflies erupt in my stomach. I'm surprised I'm not bright red from blushing, but I'm also shocked I haven't fell off the table yet. I hop down off the counter for a minute to pick up dude, before handing him to Carlos and hoping back on. dude had quickly sat on lap as Carlos pouted. I giggle quietly and scoot closer to Carlos, "better?" I mumble quietly hoping no one heard expect him. "Hahaha..." Was all Carlos said as he laughed nervously while scratching the back of his neck, and before I could ask what's wrong he fell off the deck, like he fell backwards with a loud thud, that Caught everyone's attention, Jay was silently snickering to himself, Mal rolled her eyes annoyed before turning back around while Evie just giggled. I hope Carlos is ok, he's been really jumpy for awhile, like ever since we came down here. I wonder what's wrong?
"Alright it says we still need one tear and I never cry" Mal spoke up sounding very frustrated. I look at Carlos and Jay as they shrug, along with me. "Alright let's just chop up some onions in here" (is that what he said?) Jay said as he pulled out an onion from a crate, "uh yeah, that will work right?" I ask unsure, I mean tears are tears right?
"No" Mal disagreed "it says we need one tear of human sadness" Mal finished reading directly from her book. "And this love Potion gets the best reviews so we have to follow it exactly" Mal says again.
I slightly roll my eyes along with Jay as we watch annoyed. "A tears a tear" Carlos and Jay said together, there he goes again, it's like he wants this potion done like Mal does. But why would he need a love potion?
"No it's not, they both have antibodies and enzymes, but an emotional year has more protein based hormones then a reflex tear" Evie argued with the two boys, I'm so glad I didn't open my mouth. "Yeah I knew that" Jay mumbles embarrassed. "No you didn't" I argue with him with a slight chuckle. "Whatever" Jay says says again sticking his tongue out at me. Only for me to hit his shoulder, at the exact time the door opens catching all our eyes. "There you are Mal!" A girl said walking in, oh wait! That um what's her name? Vonnie? Bonnie? Lonnie! Yeah it's Lonnie. "I was looking for you" she smiles walking over to Mal. As she quickly covered up the spell book with a rag, "you know all the girls want you to do their hair" Lonnie said again making me laugh silently since I knew Mal really didn't want to. "Midnight snack huh? Watcha guys makin?" Lonnie asks curiously noticing the bowl. "Nothin much just cookies" Mal replies with a slight shrug. As Lonnie stuck her finger in scooping it up in her mouth "oh no wait, wait!" all our eyes widen and Jay, Carlos and I jump down off the deck table. "What? I'm not gonna double dip?" She shrugs. "Feel anything?" I ask completely ignoring her statement. Before she could answer Jay stood infront of me and leaned up against a metal bar, obviously trying to flirt, he smirks. "Hey there" he finally speaks up flirtiously. But all she does is give him a tight smile and awkwardly looks away. I snicker quietly only for Jay to smack upside the head, and I quickly shut up and pretend to pout. "Could use some chips" Lonnie shrugs again while
Walking over to the fridge. "Chips?" Jay asks confused as we all look at her funny. "Chocolate chips" Lonnie answers before coming back over with a bowl of little brown things. "The most important food group" and she sets down that brown things on the table. "Wait didn't you're moms ever make you guys like chocolate chip cookies?" Lonnie asks confused once she saw our bewildered faces. But sprinkles a few into the batter.
While we all look at her, sadly. "Like when you're feeling sad" she says again looking at us. "And their fresh from the oven, with a big old glass of milk. And she just makes you laugh and puts everything into perspective..." As she trailed off, I look down away from her. That sounds so nice.... To be treated so sweet and actually have a good parent. I shudder, it's getting cold now. As I start to shiver my mind wonders off, I wonder what it would be like to be good..? A warm blanket like fabric being layed over my shoulders snaps me away from my thoughts as I look up at Carlos to see him smile down at me, he gave me his jacket but that's not all, he then wraps his arm around my waist. Sending chills up my spine, my face heats up but i can't help but smile. That is until I realize the situation we're in, making me look up at Lonnie again, along with Carlos. "Why are you all looking at me like that?" Lonnie ask confused since we were all staring. "It's just different..where were from" Mal shrugs making us all look away again. "Yeah I know, I just, you know thought that even Villains love their kids" that stung, that one really stung, that was like having you're heart ripped out and the stabbed with a knife then being shoved back in you're chest like nothing happened. She looked back at us again and something seem to change in her expression. " awful" she said looking down, and putting her hand on Mals shoulder, but Mal had noticed a tear fall down her eyes and quickly caught it before it could fall, and she quickly drops it into the batter. "Yeah, well, big bummer. But we have to get these into the oven so thank you so much for coming by" Mal said as I watch her shove her out. "Really, really have a good night, I'll see you tomorrow. Evil dreams!" She hollers and slams the door behind her before smiling at us. I quickly move away from Carlos and try my best to look happy, but everyone else was shocked at what had just happened but that quickly fades once we start making the cookies.

Ok guys, I know I'm taking for ever on updates. But don't worry I'm gonna try to stop doing that starting now!
I'm even going to start on the next chapter at this second.
But have something I wanna sayyyyy!
If you are into one direction and stuff you should read my other story I just published. It took me awhile to think of I should actually publish it but someone requested it so I had to. And remember you can private message me telling me who I should write a fanfic about! Anyway byeeeee!

Disney Descendants, Evil romance with Carlos De Vil Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon